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PETER S. WELLS. The Barbarians Speak: How the Conquered. Peoples Shaped Roman Europe. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999. Pp. xii, 335. $29.95 (US). Reviewed by Arthur M. EcksteinDAVID ABULAFIA, ed. The New Cambridge Medieval History: V: c. 1198–c. 1300. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp. xxiii, 1,045. $120.00 (US). Reviewed by T. N. BissonCHRISTOPH T. MAIER. Crusade Propaganda and Ideology: Model Sermons for the Preaching of the Cross. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. viii, 280. $59.95 (US). Reviewed by James A. BrundageGAUVIN ALEXANDER BAILEY. Art on the Jesuit Missions in Asia and Latin America, 1542–1773. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. Pp. xii, 310. $65.00 (CDN). Reviewed by John E. Wills Jr.KARIN FRIEDRICH. The Other Prussia: Royal Prussia, Poland, and Liberty, 1569–1772. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. xix, 280. $64.95 (US). Reviewed by Richard J. ButterwickLUCIEN BÉLY. La société des princes: XVIe-XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Fayard, 1999. Pp. 651. FF 195.00. Reviewed by Randall LesafferANN SAVOURS. The Search for the North West Passage. New York: Palgrave, 1999. Pp. x, 342. $29.95 (US). Reviewed by Trevor H. LevereALISON GAMES. Migration and the Origins of the English Atlantic World. Cambridge, Mass, and London: Harvard University Press, 1999. Pp. xiii, 322. $45.00(US). Reviewed by Natalie ZacekGLYN WILLIAMS. The Prize of All the Oceans: The Triumph and Tragedy of Anson's Voyage round the World. London: HarperCollins, 1999. Pp. xxi, 264. £19.99. Reviewed by Philip WoodfineTIMOTHY J. SHANNON. Indians and Colonists at the Crossroads of Empire: The Albany Congress of 1754. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000. Pp. xv, 268. $39.95 (US). Reviewed by Eric HinderakerNEVILLE THOMPSON. Earl Bathurst and the British Empire, 1762–1834. London: Leo Cooper, 1999. Pp. xii, 308. £25.00. Reviewed by J. E. CooksonGEORGE FORSTEK. A Voyage round the World: I and II, ed. Nicholas Thomas and Oliver Berghof, assisted by Jennifer Newell. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2000. Pp. xlvii, 475 (I); xv, 477–860 (II). $115.00 (US), for the set. Reviewed by Alan FrostDICK DOUWES. The Ottomans in Syria: A History of Justice and Oppression. London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2000; dist. New York: Palgrave. Pp. viii, 244. $55.00 (US). Reviewed by Daniel CreceliusEFRAIM KARSH and INARI KARSH. Empires of the Sand: The Struggle for Mastery in the Middle East, 1789–1923. Cambridge, Mass, and London: Harvard University Press, 1999. Pp. x, 409. $29.95 (US). Reviewed by Feroz AhmadDAVID VITAL. A People Apart: The Jews in Europe, 1789–1939. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. xviii, 944. £30.00. Reviewed by M. BerkowitzBRIAN DOLAN. Exploring European Frontiers: British Travellers in the Age of Enlightenment. New York: Palgrave, 2000. Pp. xi, 232. $59.95 (US). Reviewed by Jeremy BlackCATHRYN BRENNAN and MURRAY FRAME, eds. Russia and the Wider World in Historical Perspective: Essays for Paul Dukes. New York: Palgrave, 2000. Pp. xviii, 234. $68.00 (US). Reviewed by Matthew S. AndersonLAMIN SANNEH. Abolitionists Abroad: American Blacks and the Making of Modern West Africa. Cambridge, Mass, and London: Harvard University Press, 1999. Pp. xv, 291. $29.95(US). Reviewed by Graham Russell HodgesJOHN B. HATTENDORF. Naval History and Maritime Strategy: Collected Essays. Malabar, Fla.: Krieger Publishing Company, 2000. Pp. x, 284. $29.50 (US). Reviewed by Holger H. HerwigULRIKE KIRCHBERGER. Aspekte deutsch-britischer Expansion: Die Überseeinteressen der deutschen Migranten in Großbritannien in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1999. Pp. 508. DM 166.00. Reviewed by Herman J. HieryWINFRIED BAUMGART. Europäsches Konzert und nationale Bewegung: Internationale Beziehungen, 1830–1878. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 1999. Pp. xv, 600. DM 188.00. Reviewed by Ann Pottinger SaabWINFRIED BAUMGART. The Crimean War, 1853–1856. London and New York: Arnold and Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. xi, 244. £16.99, paper. Reviewed by David GoldfrankANTHONY KIRK-GREENE. Britain's Imperial Administrators, 1858–1966. New York: Palgrave, 2000. Pp. xv, 347. $79.95 (US). Reviewed by D. K. FieldhouseJ. E. HOARE. Embassies in the East: The Story of the British and Their Embassies in China, Japan, and Korea from 185g to the Present. Surrey, UK: Curzon Press, 1999; dist. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Pp. xvi, 238. $49.00 (US). Reviewed by Ian NishLAWRENCE A. CLAYTON. Peru and the United States: The Condor and the Eagle. Athens, Ga. and London: University of Georgia Press, 1999. Pp. xii, 363. $20.00 (US), paper. Reviewed by David RyanJENNIFER M. T. CARTER. Painting the Islands Vermilion: Archibald Watson and the Brig ‘Carl’. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1999. Pp. xiv, 279. $45.00 (AUS). Reviewed by Clive MooreNITZA BERKOVITCH. From Motherhood to Citizenship: Women's Rights and International Organizations. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. Pp. xii, 207. $34.95 (US). Reviewed by Francisco O. RamirezMICHAEL HUGHES. Diplomacy before the Russian Revolution: Britain, Russia, and the Old Diplomacy, 1894–1917. New York: Palgrave, 2000. Pp. xii, 222. $65.00 (US). Reviewed by Keith NeilsonRAANAN REIN, ed. Spain and the Mediterranean since 1898. London and Pordand: Frank Cass, 1999. Pp. 255. $54.50 (US), cloth; $24.50 (US), paper. Reviewed by Michael RichardsJAMES HAMILTON-PATERSON. America's Boy: A Century of Colonialism in the Philippines. New York: Henry Holt, 1999. Pp. xxv, 462. $30.00 (US). Reviewed by Nicholas B. CullatherMICHAEL D. CALLAHAN. Mandates and Empire: The League of Nations and Africa, 1914–1931. Brighton and Portland: Sussex Academic Press, 1999. Pp. ix, 297. $122.95 (US). Reviewed by James SearingJOHN F. WILLIAMS. Anzacs, the Media, and the Great War. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 1999; dist. Portland: ISBS. Pp. x, 302. $35.00 (US), paper. Reviewed by Raymond EvansSUSAN ZEIGER. In Uncle Sam's Service: Women Workers with the American Expeditionary Force, 1917–1919. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999. Pp. x, 211. $37.50 (US). Reviewed by Deborah MontgomerieLEO J. BACINO. Reconstructing Russia: US Policy in Revolutionary Russia, 1917–1922. Kent: Kent State University Press, 1999. Pp. xii, 244. $39.00 (US). Reviewed by Benjamin D. RhodesBENJAMIN F. MARTIN. France and the Après Guerre, 1918–1924: Illusions and Disillusionment. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1999; dist. Toronto: Scholarly Book Services. Pp. xii, 278. $49.95 (US), cloth; $22.50 (US), paper. Reviewed by Joel BlattANTHONY HEYWOOD. Modernising Lenin's Russia: Economic Reconstruction, Foreign Trade, and the Railways. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp. xviii, 328. $69.95 (US). Reviewed by E. A. ReesLENNART SAMUELSON. Plans for Stalin's War Machine: Tukhachevskii and Military-Economic Planning, 1925–194l. New York: Palgrave, 2000. Pp. xv, 267. $65.00 (US). Reviewed by Alaric SearleDAVID ALVAREZ. Secret Messages: Codebreaking and American Diplomacy, 1930–1945. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2000. Pp. xi, 292. $35.00 (US). Reviewed by Edward J. DreaVICKI CARON. Uneasy Asylum: France and the Jewish Refugee Crisis, 1933–1942. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999. Pp. xi, 605. $65.00 (US). Reviewed by Elisabeth GlaserIGOR LUKES and ERIK GOLDSTEIN, eds. The Munich Crisis, 1938: Prelude to World War II. London and Portland: Frank Cass, 1999. Pp. xi, 402. $57.50 (US). Reviewed by Milan HaunerPIERRE GROSSER. Pourquoi la Seconde Guerre mondiale?Paris: Editions Complexe, 1999. Pp. 303. FF 139.00, paper. Reviewed by David ReynoldsSARAH FISHMAN, LAURA LEE DOWNS, IOANNIS SINANOGLOU, LEONARD V. SMITH, and ROBERT ZARETSKY, eds. France at War: Vichy and the Historians, trans. David Lake. Oxford and New York: Berg, 2000. Pp. ix, 336. $65.00 (US). Reviewed by Martin ThomasIAN LYALL GRANT and KAZUO TAMAYAMA. Burma 1942: The Japanese Invasion: Both Sides Tell the Story of a Savage Jungle War. Chichester: Zampi Press, 1999. Pp. xvi, 416. £25.00. Reviewed by Raymond A. CallahanDAVID LOWE. Menzies and the ‘Great World Struggle’: Australia's Cold War, 1948–1954. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 1999; dist. Pordand: ISBS. Pp. x, 243. $35.00 (US), paper; A. W. MARTIN. Robert Menzies: A Life: II: 1944–1978. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1999. Pp. xx, 596. $49.95 (AUS). Reviewed by Coral BellJEAN-CLAUDE FAVEZ. The Red Cross and the Holocaust, ed. and trans. John and Beryl Fletcher. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp. xxxii, 353. $39.95 (US). Reviewed by John F. HutchinsonPIETER LAGROU. The Legacy of Nazi Occupation: Patriotic Memory and National Recovery in Western Europe, 1945–1965. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. xiii, 327. $59.95 (US). Reviewed by Andrew ShennanJOHN W. DOWER. Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II. London: Allen Lane, Penguin Press, 1999. Pp. 676. £25.00. Reviewed by Peter DuusJESSICA C. E. GIENOW-HECHT. Transmission Impossible: American Journalism as Cultural Diplomacy in Postwar Germany, 1945–1955. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1999; dist. Toronto: Scholarly Book Services. Pp. xx, 230. $47.50 (CDN), cloth; $22.50 (CDN), paper. Reviewed by V. R. BerghahnUTA G. POIGER. Jazz, Rock, and Rebels: Cold War Politics and American Culture in a Divided Germany. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. Pp. xiii, 333. $19.95 (US), paper. Reviewed by Konrad H. JarauschHERMANN FIELD and KATE FIELD. Trapped in the Cold War: The Ordeal of an American Family. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999. Pp. 451. $45.00 (US). Igor LukesADNAN ABU-ODEH. Jordanians, Palestinians, and the Hashemite Kingdom in the Middle East Peace Process. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1999. Pp. xviii, 322. $19.95 (US), paper. Reviewed by Mary C. WilsonQIANG ZHAI. China and the Vietnam Wars, 1950–1975. Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 2000; dist. Toronto: Scholarly Book Services. Pp. xii, 304. $82.50 (CDN). Reviewed by Williams J. DuikerDAVID J. BERCUSON. Blood on the Hills: The Canadian Army in the Korean War. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. Pp. xvi, 269. $35.00 (CDN). Reviewed by Williams JohnstonSIMON DUKE. The Elusive Quest for European Security: From EDC to CFSP. New York: Palgrave, 2000. Pp. xvii, 406. $69.95 (US). Reviewed by Anne DeightonELIE PODEH. The Decline of Arab Unity: The Rise and Fall of the United Arab Republic. Brighton and Portland: Sussex Academic Press, 1999. Pp. xv, 292. $115.95 (US). Reviewed by Philip S. KhouryDONETTE MURRAY. Kennedy, Macmillan, and Nuclear Weapons. New York: Palgrave, 2000. Pp. x, 220. $65.00 (US). Reviewed by Scott LucasMATTHEW EVANGELISTA. Unarmed Forces: The Transnational Movement to End the Cold War. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999. Pp. ix, 406. $39.95 (US). Reviewed by Thomas RisseMAREK ANDRZEJEWSKI and HUBERT RINKLAKE. ‘To Live, You Have To Be Well-Informed’: Erich Brost: Danzig Editor, Man of Resistance, Publisher, and Editorin-Chief of the ‘Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung’, trans. David Higgins. Warsaw and Bonn: Polish Academy of Science and Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, 1999. Pp. 246. DM 38.00. Reviewed by William Lee BlackwoodRHODRI JEFFREYS-JONES. Peace Now: American Society and the Ending of the Vietnam War. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1999. Pp. ix, 308. $25.00 (US). Reviewed by David W. LevyKATHRYN JACQUES. Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan: International Relations and Regional Tensions in South Asia. New York: Palgrave, 2000. Pp. xii, 239. $65.00 (US). Reviewed by Sumit GangulyLAWRENCE FREEDMAN. The Politics of British Defence, 1978–98. New York: Palgrave, 1999. Pp. xi, 259. $65.00 (US). Reviewed by Michael CarverANTHONY FORSTER. Britain and the Maastricht Negotiations. New York: Palgrave, 1999. Pp. ix, 211. $65.00 (US). Reviewed by Andrew MoravcsikJOHN GLENN. The Soviet Legacy in Central Asia. New York: Palgrave, 1999. Pp. xii, 198. $65.00 (US). Reviewed by Virginia MartinDOV LYNCH. Russian Peacekeeping Strategies in the CIS: The Cases of Moldova, Georgia, and Tajikistan. New York: Palgrave, 2000. Pp. xi, 265. $65.00 (US). Reviewed by Stephen BlankANTHONY MCDERMOTT. The New Politics of Financing the UN. New York: Palgrave, 2000. Pp. ix, 213. $65.00 (US). Reviewed by Gary B. OstrowerR. STEPHEN HUMPHREYS. Between Memory and Desire: The Middle East in a Troubled Age. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. Pp. xxii, 297. $29.95 (US). Reviewed by Richard W. BullietVAN COUFOUDAKIS, HARRY J. PSOMIADES, and ANDRE GEROLYMATOS, eds. Greece and the New Balkans: Challenges and Opportunities. New York: Pella Publishing, 1999. Pp. 478. $30.00 (US), paper. Reviewed by George J. MarcopoulosWILLIAM R. THOMPSON, ed. Great Power Rivalries. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1999. Pp. viii, 414. $45.00 (US). Reviewed by Paul F. Diehl |