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Lambeth Palace Library Cartae Antiquae Et Misgellaneae (MSS. 889–901). By Dorothy M. Owen. Lambeth Palace Library, 1959, v + 123 pp. (cyclostyled).Guide To The Monmouth Regord Offige. By W. H. Baker. Pontypool, 1959. 126 pp. 5s. (cloth‐bound).Kentish Sources, I. Some Roads And Bridges . . . Edited by Elizabeth Melling. Maidstone, Kent County Council, 1959. viii + 63 pp., 8 pls. 3s. 6d. (paper‐bound).Transport In Kent. Catalogue of documents from the Kent Archives Office displayed at The Museum, St. Faith Street, Maidstone, 24 June‐25 July 1959. Maidstone, Kent County Council, 1959. 4to, 30 pp. (cyclostyled).Guildford Borough Records, 1514–1546. Edited, with an introduction, by Enid M. Dance. Surrey Record Society Publications, vol. 24. The Society, 1958. xiv + 153 pp. 35s.English Privateering Voyages To The West Indies, 1588–1595. Edited by Kenneth R. Andrews. Hakluyt Society, Series II, vol. CXI. Cambridge University Press, 1959. xxviii + 421 pp., 8 pls. 40s.Genealogical Researgh In England And Wales. Vol. 2. By David E. Gardner and Frank Smith. Salt Lake City, Utah, Bookcraft Publishers, 1959. 432 pp. $3.95.Local History In England. By W. G. Hoskins. London, Longmans, 1959. xi + 185 pp., + index. 21s.Teach Yourself Logal History. By Francis Celoria. London, English University Press, 1958. vii + 182 pp. 7s. 6d.Records‐‐‐‐Reference Guide. Commonwealth Of Australia. Department Of Customs And Excise. Canberra. Issue No. 4. Appendices and Addendum. F'lscap, 88 pp. (stencilled). |