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HACCP, Principles and Applications, Merle D. Pierson and Donald A. Corlett, Jr., AVI/Van Nostrand Reinhold - 212 pages - 1992.'Protein purification', Scott Wheelwright, Hanser Publishers, Munich, Vienna, New York, Barcelona Distributed in the United States of America and in Canada by Oxford University Press, New York, 1991 228 pages, 124 DMPlant Cell and Tissue Culture in Liquid Systems, G. Payne, V. Bringi, C. Prince and M. Shuler, Hanser Publishers, Munich, 1991 ISBN 3-446-15830-8, 346 pagesMolecular Approaches to Improving Food Quality and Safety Authors: Deepak Bhatnagar and Thomas E. Cleveland, Van Nostrand Reinhold, AVI, New York, 1992 ISBN 0-442-005660, 246 pagesBiotechnological Innovations in Food Processing BIOTOL Biotechnology by open learning, Open universiteit, Heerlen, Nederland & Thames Polytechnic, London, United Kingdom Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Oxford, 1991 294 pages, £ 19.95, ISBN 0-7506-1513-3Biocatalyst Design for Stability and Specificity, M.E. Himmel and G. Georgiou, ACS Symposium Series 516, Am. Chem. Soc., Washington DC 335 pgs., 1993, US$ 89.95 |