Optimization of the heat treatment of phosphate application to the gantour phosphate basin / Morocco

Autor: El Ouardi, M., Mrani, I., Anoua, M., Chehouani, H.
Zdroj: Matériaux & Techniques; January 2009, Vol. 97 Issue: 2 p133-142, 10p
Abstrakt: A protocol of thermal treatment of ore phosphate for optimization of the expenditure related to the energy needed for the calcination is here presented. We have completed a comparative study of the calcination carried out in two different ways on crude phosphate. This step was applied to enrich sedimentary phosphates coming from a new site of the Gantour Basin. We have firstly optimized temperature and calcination time. Indeed, the results show that the treatment at 800??C during 30?min gives a phosphate of a better concentration. It permits to decrease the organic carbon and the carbon dioxide respectively from 1.4% to 0.15% and 6.6% to 1.8% and the increase of the phosphate content from 30.39% to 34.23%. Moreover, it has been noted an impact of the cooling on the granulometric distribution. In a second time, it appeared that the procedure of calcination followed by a cooling using 33% of the same phosphate source (hot mixture), can have an important outcome on the energy saving and a gain of productivity while preserving the environment. Un protocole de traitement thermique d'un minerai phosphat? visant l'optimisation des d?penses de l'?nergie destin?e ? la calcination est ici pr?sent?. Nous avons men? une ?tude comparative de la calcination effectu?e de deux mani?res diff?rentes sur du phosphate brut. Cette m?thode a ?t? appliqu?e pour enrichir le phosphate s?dimentaire issu d'un nouveau site du Bassin des Gantour (Maroc). Dans un premier temps, nous avons optimis? la temp?rature de calcination et le temps de s?jour. En effet, les r?sultats montrent que le traitement ? 800??C pendant 30?min donne un minerai de meilleure concentration en phosphate. Il permet de diminuer le carbone organique et le dioxyde de carbone respectivement de 1,4?% ? 0,15?% et 6,6?% ? 1,8?%. Ainsi que l'augmentation de la teneur en P2O5de 30,39?% ? 34,23?%. De plus, il a ?t? constat? un impact du refroidissement sur la distribution granulom?trique. Dans un deuxi?me temps, il appara?t que la proc?dure de calcination suivie d'un refroidissement par 33?% de phosphate de m?me source (m?lange ? chaud) peut avoir d'importantes retomb?es sur l'?conomie de l'?nergie et un gain de productivit? tout en pr?servant l'environnement.
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