Near-Infrared Properties of Moderate-Redshift Galaxy Clusters. II. Halo Occupation Number, Mass-to-Light Ratios, and ?m

Autor: Muzzin, Adam, Hall, Patrick B.
Zdroj: The Astrophysical Journal; July 2007, Vol. 663 Issue: 1 p150-163, 14p
Abstrakt: Using K-band imaging for 15 of the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology (CNOC1) clusters we examine the near-infrared properties of moderate-redshift (0.19 < z < 0.55) galaxy clusters. We find that the number of K-band selected cluster galaxies within R500 (the halo occupation number, HON) is well correlated with the cluster dynamical mass (M 500) and X-ray temperature (TX); however, the intrinsic scatter in these scaling relations is 37% and 46%, respectively. Comparison with clusters in the local universe shows that the HON-M500 relation does not evolve significantly between z = 0 and z ~ 0.3. This suggests that if dark matter halos are disrupted or undergo significant tidal stripping in high-density regions as seen in numerical simulations, the stellar mass within the halos is tightly bound, and not removed during the process. The total K-band cluster light (L200,K) and K-band-selected richness (parameterized by Bgc,K) are also correlated with both the cluster TX and M200. The total (intrinsic) scatter in the L200,K-M200 and Bgc,K-M200 relations are 43% (31%) and 35% (18%), respectively, and indicates that for massive clusters both L200,K and Bgc,K can predict M200 with accuracy similar to that of TX, LX, or optical richness (Bgc). Examination of the mass-to-light ratios of the clusters shows that similarly to local clusters, the K-band mass-to-light ratio is an increasing function of halo mass. Using the K-band mass-to-light ratios of the clusters, we apply the Oort technique and find Om,0 = 0.22 +- 0.02, which agrees well with recent combined concordance cosmology parameters, but, similarly to previous cluster studies, is on the low-density end of preferred values.
Databáze: Supplemental Index