Comparison of the yields of high-energy gamma-rays withEγ≧10 MeV measured in the reactionsnatSn+40Ar and68Zn+64Zn

Autor: Kamanin, V. V., Kugler, A., Penionzhkevich, Yu. E., Sobolev, Yu. G., Fomichev, A. S., David, I.
Zdroj: Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei; March 1987, Vol. 327 Issue: 1 p109-113, 5p
Abstrakt: The spectra of theKX-rays of reaction products were observed in coincidence with high energy gamma-rays (Eγ≧10 MeV) in thenatSn+40Ar (EAr=300 MeV) and68Zn +64Zn (EZn=290 MeV) reactions. Two groups ofKX-rays can be clearly identified in the spectra. The first one corresponds to the evaporation residue of the compound nucleus and the second one to the target-like products of the reaction. The spectra of gamma transitions gated by theKX-rays of the evaporation residues were measured in both reactions. The relative yields and the positions of the broad shoulders observed at an energyEγ≧10 MeV in these spectra, differ drastically in the asymmetric and the symmetric systems. The ratio between the yields of gamma-rays emitted at angles of 0° and 90° to the beam direction was determined in thenatSn+40Ar reaction. It was found to be greater than unity only atEγ=(10–14) MeV. This experimental evidence may indicate the emission of high energy gamma-rays from the dinuclear system prior to the formation of the compound nucleus.
Databáze: Supplemental Index