Structures transmitting stimulatory force to the sensory hairs of vestibular ampullae of fishes and frog

Autor: Nagel, G., Neugebauer, D.-C., Schmidt, B., Thurm, U.
Zdroj: Cell and Tissue Research; September 1991, Vol. 265 Issue: 3 p567-578, 12p
Abstrakt: Serial sections of the vestibular ampullae of two species of fish and one species of frog were investigated by electron microscopy. The kinocilium is the only connection between the sensory cells and the auxiliary structure (cupula). The cupula possesses canals that traverse its entire height. Each canal contains a single kinocilium in its proximal part; distally, it is filled with material that stains with colloidal silver. The matrix of the cupula consists of filaments running perpendicular to the canals. These filaments do not stain with colloidal silver. The kinocilium is connected to the wall of the canal via structures that differ in the studied species of fish and frog. The filamentous links between the kinocilium and the longest stereovilli of the sensory hair bundle are similar in all the investigated species. The stereovilli are interconnected by basal and shaft links, and by horizontal and oblique tip connectors, similar to those described by other authors for macula organs and the organ of Corti, although differences in structural details, especially of the horizontal tip and the shaft connectors, are present. Some of these are species specific and some are related to the position of the sensory cell in the epithelium and/or specific to the organ (ampulla or macula organ). Some attachment sites of the links are associated with osmiophilic submembranous material. These differences in the structure, distribution and attachment sites of the links are possibly of functional importance.
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