Character of fracture in steel Kh17N13M3T with boron in different stages of creep

Autor: Rozenberg, V. M., Morozov, Yu. A., Sidel'kovskii, M. P., Gordeeva, L. I.
Zdroj: Metal Science and Heat Treatment; November 1974, Vol. 16 Issue: 11 p938-939, 2p
Abstrakt: 1.Intragranular and intergranular processes that occur during creep in steel Kh17N13M3T without boron and with 0.0015 and 0.003% B affect the character of fracture in the initial stage of steady-state creep: the percentage of intercrystalline components increases and the block size decreases. The ratio of the intercrystalline to the intracrystalline sections of the fracture and the block size established in the initial stage of steady-state creep do not change during this stage.2.In steels with boron the percentage of the intercrystalline component after creep is smaller (20–30%) than in the steel without boron (~75%), i. e., small additions of boron inhibit damage in the grain boundaries during creep.3.In samples of steel Kh17N13M3T with 0.0015% B, with the highest long-term strength, the size of the blocks formed in the process of creep is smaller than in the steel without boron or with 0.003% B. Evidently creep is more even in this steel.
Databáze: Supplemental Index