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The Text of Shakespeare's Hamlet.Gotik und Ruine in der englischen Dichtung des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. Von Dr. Reinhard Haferkorn. Leipzig, Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1924.The Pocket Oxford Dictionary of Current English. Compiled by F. G. Fowler & H. W. Fowler. Pp. XVI + 1000. Milford, 1924. 3/6 net; India paper 6/— net.A Pepysian Garland: Black-Letter Broadside Ballads of the years 1595-1639. Chiefly from the Collection of Samuel Pepys. Edited by Hyder E. Rollins, Ph. D. New York University. — Cambr. Univers. Press. 1922. 21/—.Broadside Ballads.Shelley in Germany. By Solomon Liptzin, Ph. D. New York, Columbia University Press. 1924. $ 1.50.Edgar Allan Poe: How to Know Him. By C. Alphonso Smith. Indianapolis. The Bobbs-Merrill Company. 1921.Le Roman et les Idees en Angleterre. Par Madeleine L. Cazamian. Tome I: L'influence de la Science (1860-1890) (Publications de la Faculte des Lettres de l'Universite de Strasbourg 15.) 1923. IX+ 484 pp. fr. 20.—Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Von Carl Brinkmann. Handbuch der Englisch - Amerikanischen Kultur, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Dibelius. Leipzig-Berlin. B. G. Teubner, 1924, 87 p.A Grammar of Spoken English. On a strictly Phonetic Basis. By Harold E. Palmer. W. Heffer & Sons, Cambridge. 1924. (xxxvi + 293) 12/6.About Ballads and Poetic Origins.Poetic Origins and the Ballad. — By Louise Pound Ph. D., Professor of English in the University of Nebraska. — New York: The Macmillan Company. 1921. — Price $ 250.Shakespeare's Fellows. By G. B. Harrison, M. A. London, John Lane, 1923. 207 p.p. 6/.—A Guide to the Study of Shakespeare's Plays by G. H. Crump M.A. G. Harrap & Co. Ltd. London. 203 p.p. 2/.—The Novels of Fielding, by Aurelien Digeon. Pp. xv + 255. London, Routledge, 10/6 net. 1925.Englische Philosophie, ihr Wesen und ihre Entwicklung. Von Dr. Phil. h. c. Else Wentscher. B. G. Teubner, Leipzig-Berlin. 1925. P. 140.An Elementary Historical New English Grammar. By Joseph Wright and Elizabeth Mary Wright. Humphrey Milford. Oxford University Press, 1924. 224 pp. Price 7 shillings.Le Preromantisme. Etudes d'histoire litteraire europeenne. Par Paul van Tieghem. Pp. 298. F. Rieder et Cie, Paris, 1924.15 fr.Readings in English Social History, from pre-Roman days to A. D. 1837. Edited by R. B. Morgan. Cambridge University Press. 1923. 585 pp. Ill. Cloth 16 s. net.The Pastons and their England. By H. S. Bennett. Cambridge University Press. 1922. 289 pp. Cloth. 15 s. net.Social Life in the Days of Piers Plowman. By D. Chadwick. Cambridge University Press, 1922. Clots 10s. 6d. net.A Discourse uppon Usurye, by waie of Dialogue; by Thomas Wilson, Doctor of the Civill Lawes, 1572. Edited with an historical introduction by R. H. Tawney. G. Bell & Sons, London 1925. 15/net.Restoring Shakespeare. A Critical Analysis of the Misreadings in Shakespeare's Works. With facsimiles and numerous plates. By Leon Kellner, Ph. D. xvi + 216 pp. Leipzig: Tauchnitz. 1925. Geh. M. 6.—, geb. in L. M. 8.50.De Roman in de 18e eeuw in West-Europa. Door Dr. J. Prinsen J.Lzn. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1925. VIII + 540 pp. / 15.—.J. Pokorny, Altirische Grammatik. Berlin-Leipzig, 1925, W. de Gruyter & Co. (Sammlung Goschen, Bd. 896). Pr. Mk. 1.25.Language. An Introduction to the Study of Speech. By Edward Sapir. Oxford University Press. 1921. 258 pp. Cloth 8 s. 6d.Spoken English. A practical word-book and guide to the idiom of the English language, containing words, phrases, proverbs, rhymes and poems, compiled for the use of schools and students preparing for an examination. By O. J. van der Keuken, Teacher of English at Amsterdam. W. J. Thieme & Cie. Zutphen, 1925. Pp. 284. Price / 3,90; cloth / 4,50.1)Synonyms, Homonyms and Idioms, a contribution towards the study of English Synonymy and Idiomatic Phraseology. By G. J. van der Keuken. W. J. Thieme & Cie. Zutphen. 1925. Pp.395. Price / 4.75. Cloth / 5.40.Shaking the Dust from Shakespeare. By Harris J. Griston. Pp. XXXIV+ 342. Published Febr. 1924, Second ed. Sept. 1924. New-York, Cosmopolis Press.William Byrd. A short account of his Life and Work. (1923). Orlando Gibbons. A short account etc. (1925). By Edmund B. Fellowes, M. A., Mus. Bac. Oxford, Mus. Doc. Dublin. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press. (6s. & 7/6 resp.)The Sacred Dance: A Study in Comparative Folklore. By W. O. E. Oesterley, D.D. Cambridge University Press, 1923. 8/6.Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature. Volume v, 1924. Edited for the Modern Humanities Research Association by A. C. Paues, Ph. D. Pp. 164. Bowes & Bowes, Cambridge, 1925. Price 6s. net. |