
Autor: Mansion, Jos., van Hamel, A. G., van der Gaaf, W., Praz, Mario, Zandvoort, R. W., de Groot, H., van Doorn, Willem, Vechtman-Veth, A. C. E., Ovaa, W. A., Kruisinga, E., van Haeringen, C. B., Pos, H. J.
Zdroj: English Studies; 1928, Vol. 10 Issue: 1-6 p11-189, 179p
Abstrakt: The Place-Names of Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire. By A. Mawer and F. M. Stenton. (English Place-Name Society. Vol. III). Cambridge, University Press, 1926. 18 s. net.Arthur of Britain. By E. K. Chambers. Pp. 299. London, Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd. 1927. Pr. 10/6.The Court of Sapience. Spat-mittelenglisches allegorisch-didaktisches Visionsgedicht. Kritische Textausgabe von Dr. Robert Spindler. (Beitrage zur englischen Philologie, herausgegeben von Max Forster, Heft VI) 268 pages 8° Leipzig, Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1927. M. 10.—.John Page's Siege of Rouen. Kritische Textausgabe von Dr. Herbert Huscher. (Kolner anglistische Arbeiten, herausgegeben von Herbert Schoffler, I Band) 247 pages, 8°, including 2 maps. Leipzig, Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1927. M. 10.—.The Problems of the Shakespeare Sonnets. By J. M. Robertson. London, Routledge, 1926, pp. xii + 291. 15 s. net.Beitrage zur Geschichte des Geniebegriffs in England. Von Hans Thume. (Studien zur Englischen Philologie, hrsg. von L. Morsbach und H. Hecht, LXXI). Halle, Niemeyer, 1927, pp. X + 102. M. 4.80.A Syntax of Living English. By A. C. E. Vechtman-Veth. Pp. XII + 330. Utrecht, Kemink & Zoon, 1928. Sewed f 4.90. Cloth f 5.50.An English Grammar for Dutch Students. By E. Kruisinga. Vol. I. A Shorter Accidence and Syntax. Fourth edition. Pp. XVI + 230. Utrecht, Kemink & Zoon, 1928. Sewed f 3.50. Cloth f 3.90.As You Like It. (The Works of Shakespeare edited for the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch and John Dover Wilson.) xviii & 181 pp. With frontispiece. Cambridge, 1926. 6/— net.Psychology and Primitive Culture, by F. C. Bartlett, M.A. — Cambridge Univ. Press, 1923. — 8/6 net.Medieval Studies in memory of Gertrude Schoepperle Loomis. Pp. xv+ 535. Paris, Champion, and New-York, Columbia University Press, 1927.Seneca his Tenne Tragedies translated into English, edited by Thomas Newton anno 1581. With an Introduction by T. S. Eliot. London, Constable, 1927. (The Tudor Translations, Second Series. Edited by Charles Whibley, XI-XII). Two vols.: I. pp. liv+232; II. pp. 258. 42/— net.Shakespeare and the Stoicism of Seneca. (An Address read before the Shakespeare Association, 18th March, 1927.) By T. S. Eliot. London, publ. for the Shakespeare Association, Milford, 1927. Pp. 18. 2/— net.Studien zur Geschichte und Charakteristik des Refrains in der englischen Literatur. Von Friedrich G. Ruhrmann. (Angl. Forschungen. Herausg. von Dr. J. Hoops, Heft 64). — Heidelberg 1927. — 10,50 Mk.The Poems of John Philips edited by M. G. Lloyd Thomas. The Percy Reprints, No. X. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1927.German Influence in the English Romantic Period, 1788-1818. By F. W. Stokoe. XI + 202 pp. Cambridge University Press, 1926. 12 s. 6d.The Road to Xanadu. A Study in the Ways of the Imagination, by John Livingston Lowes. London, Constable, [1927], pp. xviii + 639, with 16 plates. 31/6 net.The Complete Works of John Webster. Edited by F. L. Lucas. London, Chatto and Windus, 1927. Four Volumes: I, pp. xviii + 288; II, pp. vi + 372; III, pp. vi + 340; IV, pp. viii + 274. 18/- net each vol.Thyrsus-bearers and Bacchoi.The Kinds of Poetry. By John Erskine. — New York, Duffield, 1920. — Price one dollar and a half, net.Some Contemporary Poets (1920). By Harold Monro. — London, Parsons. — 7/6.An Anatomy of Poetry. By A. Williams-Ellis. — Blackwell, Oxford. 1922. — 7/6.On English Poetry: Being an Irregular Approach to the Psychology of this Art, from Evidence Mainly Subjective. By Robert Graves. — London, Heinemann, 1922. — 8/6.Poetic Unreason and Other Studies. By Robert Graves. — London, Cecil Palmer, 1925. — 6/—.English Synonyms and Homonyms. By J. H. A. Gunther. Revised by H. G. De Maar. Fifth Edition. J. B. Wolters. 1928. 407 p.p. Cloth f5.40.A Stanzaic Life of Christ, compiled from Highden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea, edited by Frances A. Foster. London. Published for the Early English Text Society by Humphrey Milford. Oxford University Press. 1926. Price 35/—.A Dictionary of the Low Dutch Element in the English Vocabulary. By J. F. Bense. Part I (Aam-Dowel) XXXII + 80 pp. The Hague (Nijhoff), 1926.Niederlandisches Lehngut im Mittelenglischen. Von Joh? - Mich. Toll. (Studien zur englischen Philologie, herausgeg. von Lorenz Morsbach und Hans Hecht, LX1X). XXII + 102 pp. Halle (Niemeyer), 1926.Neuaufbau der Grammatik. Von Th. Kalepky. 105 Ss. ?. G. Teubner, 1928.Horace Walpole. By Dorothy Margaret Stuart. (English Men of Letters, New Series). VII+ 217 pp. London, Macmillan, 1927. 5/—.Anthologies.An Anthology of Recent Poetry, compiled by L. DO. Walters. — Harrap, 1920.English Verse Old and New: an Anthology. Edited by G. C. F. Mead and Rupert C. Clift. — Cambr. Univ. Press, 1922. — 6/—. (School edition 4/6).Modern American Poets : selected by Conrad Aiken. — Seeker, 1922. — 6/—.Modern American Poetry. Edited by Louis Untermeyer. Revised and Enlarged Edition. — Cape. — 15/—.Sixty-Three Poems. By Wilfrid Gibson. Selected for Use in Schools and Colleges by E. A. Parker, M.A., Ph. D., Professor of English, Wilson College, Bombay. With a Critical Introduction. — Macmillan, 1926. — 2/6.
Databáze: Supplemental Index