Book reviews

Autor: Jenkins, Brian, Lewis, Gwynne, Howorth, Jolyon, Young, John, Elgie, Robert, Wallace, Ian, Lucas, Ivor, Swann, Dennis, Webber, Mark, Padgett, Stephen, Worsching, Martha, Kelly, Michael, Morris, Peter
Zdroj: Journal of European Area Studies; January 1992, Vol. 1 Issue: 1 p144-166, 23p
Abstrakt: Modern and Contemporary HistoryColin MOOERS: The Making of Bourgeois Europe: Absolutism, Revolution and the Rise of Capitalism in England, France and Germany, Verso, 1991. 208p., £10.95 (paperback), ISBN 0 86091 507 7; hardback, £32.95, ISBN 0 6091 291 4.Stuart WOOLF: Napoleon's Integration of Europe, Routledge, 1991. 319p., £30.00, ISBN 0 415 04961 XKalevi J. HOLSTI: Peace and War: Armed Conflicts and International Order 1648-1989, Cambridge University Press, 1991. 379p., £14.95, ISBN 0 521 39929 7 (paperback).Peter M. R. STIRK and David WILLIS (eds.): Shaping Postwar Europe. European Unity and Disunity 1945-57, Pinter, 1991. 197p., £35.00, ISBN 0 86187 161 8.Robert SCHNEIDER: La Haine Tranquille, Seuil, 1992. 281p., 120F, ISBN 2 02 013682 1.Robert DARNTON: Berlin Diary 1989-1990, W. W. Norton & Company, 1991. 352p., £15.95, ISBN 0 393 02970 0Philip G. KREYENBROEK and Stephan SPERL (eds.): The Kurds: A Contemporary Overview, Routledge, 1992. 250p., £35.00, ISBN 0 415 072G5 4Economics in EuropePeter MONTAGNON: European Competition Policy, Royal Institute of International Affairs - Pinter, 1990. 135p., £8.95, ISBN 086187 164 2 (paperback);Willem MOLLE: The Economics of European Integration, Dartmouth, 1990. 547p., £15.00, ISBN 1 85521 153 X; Herbert GIERSCH: The World Economy in Perspective, Edward Elgar, 1991. 325p., £45.00, ISBN 1 85278 457 1.Laszlo CSABA: Eastern Europe in the World Economy, Cambridge University Press, 1990. 403pp., ISBN 0 521 33426 8.John PINDER: The European Community and Eastern Europe, The Royal Institute of International Affairs/Pinter Publishers, 1991. 118pp., ISBN 0 86187 173 1.Stephen WOOLCOCK, Nigel HODGES and Kristin SCHREIBER: Britain, Germany and 1992: The Limits of Deregulation, Royal Institute of International Affairs/Pinter, 1991. 120p., £8.95, ISBN 0 86187 172 3 (paperback).Jochen STRUWE: EG - Europa der Unternehmer? Die sozialpolitischen Perspektiven des Binnenmarktes, Frankfurt/Main, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag. (paperback) 167pp.European PoliticsPeter MAIR (ed.): The West European Party System, Oxford University Press, 1990. 364p., £8.95. ISBN 0 19 827583 8 (paperback); ISBN 0 19 827584 6 (hardback)Robert S. JORDAN (ed.): Europe and the Superpowers: Essays on European International Politics, Pinter, 1991. 276p., £32.50, ISBN 0 86187 752 7.Samir AMIN: Eurocentrism, Zed Books, 1989. 157p., £7.95, ISBN 0 86232 893 4 (paperback).Stephen Padgett and William E. Paterson: A History of Social Democracy in Postwar Europe, Longman, 1991. 290p., £9.99, ISBN 0 582 49174 6 (paperback).
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