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PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYThe Periglacial Environment. By H. M. French. 22 × 15 cm., 309 pp., 67 figures, 50 photographs, tables, references. Longman, Harlow, 1976. Paper £5.50.Glaciers and Landscape. By David E. Sugden and Brian S. John. 23 × 17 cm., 376 pp. Numerous illustrations. References. Index. Edward Arnold, London, 1976. Paper £5.95.HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHYThe Development of the West of Scotland 1750-1960. By Anthony Slaven. 22 × 14 cm., 272 pp., 4 maps, 29 tables, bibliography, index. Routledge and Kegan Paul 1975. £6.50.A Geography of 19th-century Britain. By P. J. Perry. 22 × 14, 187 pp., plates, maps and diagrams. Batsford, London, 1975. £6.50 (£2.95 paperback).SOCIAL GEOGRAPHYRecreation in the Countryside - A Spatial Analysis. By J. T. Coppock and B. S. Duffield. 24 × 16, 262 pp., 34 figures, references, index. Macmillan, London, 1975. £8.95 (£3.95 paperback).A Geography of Tourism. By H. Robinson. 21 × 13 cm., 47 pp., 47 illustrations, tables, index. Macdonald and Evans, London, 1976. Paper £4.25.The Look of the Land. By John Fraser Hart. 23 × 16 cm., 210 pp., illustrations, index. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1975.REGIONALSouthern Europe: the Mediterranean and Alpine lands. By Monica and Robert Beckinsale. 29 × 20, 334 pp., 107 maps and diagrams, 38 plates, tables, bibliography, index. U. of London Press, London, 1975. £10.50.London. By David Gowing. Longman Revised Colour Geographies, Editor Rex Walford. 23 × 21, 48 pp. Longman, Harlow, 1976. 75p.TECHNIQUESMathematics for Geographers and Planners. By A. G. Wilson and M. J. Kirkby. 20 × 18, 325 pp. Illustrations, tables, references, index. Clarendon/Oxford Press, London, 1975. £6.75 (£3.00 paperback).Patterns in Human Geography: An Introduction to Numerical Methods. By David M. Smith. 22 × 14, 373 pp, Illustrations, diagrams and tables, Index. David & Charles, Newton Abbot, 1975. £6.50.CARTOGRAPHYThe Times Atlas of the World: Comprehensive Edition. 46 × 32, xi pp. and 123 plates. Index 223 pp. Times Books/Bartholomew, London and Edinburgh, 1975. £26.EDUCATIONALObjective Tests in Geography for O-Level and C.S.E.: The British Isles. By K. Briggs. 24 × 18., 101 pp. Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1976. £1.35.The Developing World: Geography Four. Living Together. By S. Crawford. 24 × 18, 128 pp. Longman, London, 1975. £1.50.Industries in Britain. By M. P. Devereux. 27 × 22, 80 pp, 95 figures. Macmillan, London, 1974. 70p.Three Giant Powers. By Martin Simons. 20 × 21 cm., 144 pp., many illustrations, index. Oxford University Press 1974. £1.25.The U.S.S.R. By Harry Robinson. 14 × 22 cm., 250 pp., 32 illus., diagrams, index. University Tutorial Press, London, 1975. £1.80.No. 26 Teaching Geography - Motorway. By E. Rawling (Geographical Association). Sheffield. 23 pp., 25×20, 1976. 55p.No. 27 Teaching Geography - Analysis of Land Use Data. By R. Daugherty (Geographical Association). Sheffield. 25×20, 16 pp. 1976. 50p.Place and People: 1. Village, Town and City. Ed. by S. Dunlop. 76 pp., 25×19. Heine-mann, London, 1976. £1.25.Atlas of Denmark - Series II, Vol. 2. Topographic Atlas Denmark. Edited by Ruth Helkier Jensen and Kr. M. Jensen. Pp.192. 34×25. The Royal Danish Geographical Society, Copenhagen, 1976. DKr. 195.00.North America: Maps. Topographical Map Studies of Canada and the U.S.A. By R. Knowles and P. W. E. Stave. Pp. 96, 21 × 33. Longmans, 1976. £3.95.Geography Project Workbooks, book 3 - Britain's Trade and Communications. By S. C. Harrison, et al. Pp.32. 24×18. Longmans, 1976. 45p.The New Certificate Geography Series: A Level. Monsoon Asia. 3rd edition. By H. Robinson. Pp.528. 22×14. Macdonald and Evans, London, 1976. £3.75 paperback.A Geography of Britain. 3rd edition, up-dated. By A. R. Toison and M. E. Johnstone Pp.259. 23×17. Oxford University Press, London, 1976. £2.50.Elementary Geographical Fieldwork. By J. Hume Brown. Pp. 152, 20×13. Blackie Glasgow, 1976. £1.75.Geographies: A certificate series: North America. 2nd edition. By F. J. Monkhouse and H. R. Cain. Pp.332. 21 × 14. Longman, Harlow, 1976. £1.50.Sketch-map Geographies: Book Seven: Economic Geography. By P. Speak and H. C. Carter. 2nd, up-dated edition. Pp. 76. 25 × 19. Longman, Harlow, 1976. £1.25. |