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Risen Indeed: Lessons in Faith from the USSR by Michael Bourdeaux. Foreword by Bishop Donald Coggan. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1983. Keston Book No. 16. 114 pp., £2.95.Households of God on China's Soil compiled and translated by Raymond Fung. Geneva: World Council of Churches Mission series No. 2, 1982. x + 72 pp., 6.90 Sw. Fr.From the Center of the Earth - the Search for the Truth about China by Richard Bernstein Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1982.260 pp. $15.95.L'État juif de l'Union sovietique by Henri Slovès. Paris: Les presses d'aujourd'hui, 1982. Paperback, 318 pp.Irina: A Love Stronger Than Terror by Hermann Hartfeld. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1982. (German edition, Wuppertal: Brockhaus Verlag, 1980.).Prisoners of Conscience in the USSR: Their Treatment and Conditions by Amnesty International. Second revised edition. London: Quartermaine House, 1980. 217 pp. £3.25.Nightingale Fever: Russian Poets in Revolution by Ronald Hingley. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1982. 270 pp. £12.95.Khristianstvo i ateizm: lichnaya perepiska. Tom I (Christianity and Atheism: Personal Correspondence. Vol. I) Compiled by "A". Zurich: Glaube in der 2. Welt, 1980-81. Paperback, 216 pp.Khristianstvo i ateizm (Christianity and Atheism) by Fr Sergi Zheludkov and K. Lyubarsky. Brussels: La Vie avec Dieu, 1982. Paperback, 250 pp.Kommunizm kak realnost' (Communism as a Reality) by Alexander Zinoviev. Lausanne: Editions l'Age D'Homme, 1981. 230 pp.Bischöfe für den Untergrund. Zur Praxis der Geheimbischöfe in der Katholischen Kirche (Underground Bishops. The activities of secret Bishops in the Catholic Church). By Franz Hummer. Vienna-Munich: Herold-Verlag, 1981. 224 pp.Kreuz, Halbmond und Roter Stern. Zur Situation der katholischen Kirche in Jugoslawien. (The Cross, the Crescent and the Red Star. The Situation of the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia) by Rudolf Grulich. Munich: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für europäische Friedensfragen, 1979. 116 pp.Russische Jugend im Aufbruch (Young People in the Soviet Union Find a Voice) edited by Eugen Voss. Zollikon: G2W Verlag, 1982. Paperback, 128 pp.Book note.Katolicko Svecenstvo u NOB-u 1941-1945 (Catholic Clergy in the National Liberation Struggle 1941-1945) by Ciril Petesic. Zagreb: 1982. 276 pp. |