Abstrakt: |
Jansen H, Høeg Hagemann M, Vejlsgaard Goldschmidt V. Den ambulante behandlingsproces - belyst ved bredspektret registrering af ydelserne i et børnepsykiatrisk ambulatorium.For purposes of administration, a semi-qualitative system of registration is developed in order to further differentiate the usual quantitative enumeration of the therapeutic consultations. This concerns the planning of the work in the child psychiatric outpatient clinic from a therapeutic as well as from the hospital administration point of view. Each consultation is described within four dimensions: who (which profession), with whom (e.g. child, family, school), where (under what circumstances), and why (the initial purpose). The registration system is applied to all consultations in a child psychiatric department for one year (1985): a totally of 5,000 consultations including 350 children. If these data could be combined with characteristics of problems at admission and diagnosis the system might even be useful in planning and comparing different ways of treatment.Child psychiatric services, Consultations, Outpatient treatment, Therapeutic process.Overlaege Vibeke Vejlsgaard Goldschmidt, Børnepsykiatrisk afdeling, Centralsygehuset i Hillerød, DK-3400 Hillerød; |