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International Order and Foreign Policy: a theoretical sketch of postwar international politics. Frederick V Kratochwil, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press (distributed in the UK by Ernest Benn). 1978. 298 pp. £13.75Primacy or World Order: American foreign policy since the Cold War. Stanley Hoffmann, London: McGraw Hill. 1978. 347 pp. £9.40Satow's Guide to Diplomatic Practice. Edited by Lord Gore-Booth, London: Longman. 1979. 544pp. £14.95Law and Policy in Petroleum Development: changing relations between transnational and governments. Kamal Hussain, London: Frances Pinter. 1979. 284 pp. £12.50Legal Aspects of International Terrorism. Alona E Evans & John F Murphy, Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books (Distributed in the UK by Teakfield). 1978. 690 pp. £22.50The International Economy and the Underdeveloped World 1865-1914. A J H Latham, London: Croom Helm. 1978. 217pp. £9.95Quaker Experiences in International Conciliation. C H Mike Yarrow, London: Yale University Press. 1978. 308pp. £7.20American Multinationals and American Interests. C Fred Bergsten, Thomas Horst & Theodore H Moran, Washington DC: Brookings Institution (Distributed in the UK by Blackwell). 1978. 535pp. £14.00. £6.50 pbTrade Negotiations in the Tokyo Round: a quantitative assessment. William R Cline, N Kawanabe, T O M Kronsjo & T Williams, Washington DC: Brookings Institution (Distributed in the UK by Blackwell). 1978. 314pp. £8.50International Indebtedness and the Developing Countries. George C Abbott, London: Croom Helm. 1979. 312pp. £11.95International Nuclear Proliferation: multilateral diplomacy and regional aspects. Ashok Kapur, London: Praeger. 1979. 387pp. £16.50India's Nuclear Option: atomic diplomacy and decisionmaking. Ashok Kapur, London: Praeger. 1976. 295pp. £16.25Women and National Development: the complexities of change. Edited by The Wellesley Editorial Committee, University of Chicago Press. 1977. 346 pp. £4.95Feminism and Materialism: women and modes of production. Edited by Annette Kuln & Ann Marie Wolpe, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1978. 328 pp. £3.95Renewable Energy Resources and Rural Applications in the Developing World. Edited by Norman L Brown, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press (distributed in the UK by Ernest Benn). 1978.168 pp. £9.75World Food, Pest Losses and the Environment. Edited by David Pimentel, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press (distributed in the UK by Ernest Benn). 1978.206 pp. £11.60Food, Fuel and Shelter: a watershed analysis of land-use trade-offs in a semi-arid region. Timothy D Tregarthen, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press (distributed in the UK by Ernest Benn). 1978.109 pp. £11.25Seeds of the Earth: a private or public resource?. P R Mooney, Ottawa: Inter Pares. 1979. 120pp. $10.00The Nature of Mass Poverty. John Kenneth Galbraith, London: Harvard University Press. 1979. 150pp. £4.95World Energy Markets and OPEC Stability. Ali Ezzati, Lexington, Massachusetts: D C Heath (distributed in the UK by Teakfield). 1978. 205 pp. £12.50The United States, OPEC and Multinational Oil. Frank R Wyant, Lexington, Massachusetts: D C Heath (distributed in the UK by Teakfield). 1978. 214 pp. £13.00The Myth of Petropower. Anindya K Bhattacharya, Lexington, Massachusetts: D C Heath (distributed in the UK by Teakfield). 1978.108 pp. £8.50Public Services and Social Responsibility. Edited by SCDube, New Delhi: Vikas. 1979.277pp.The Wealth of Some Nations. Malcolm Caldwell, London: Zed Press. 1977.191 pp. £3.00The Pressures of Oil: a strategy for economic revival. Peter R Odell & Luis Vallenilla, London: Harper & Row. 1978. 215pp. £5.95Neocolonial Identity and Counter-consciousness: essays on cultural decolonisation. Renato Constantino, London: Merlin Press. 1978. 307pp. £7.50. £3.00 pbFrom Massacres to Mining: the colonisation of Aboriginal Australia. Janine Roberts, London: War on Want. 1978. 212pp. £1.99 pbWorld Population Policies. Edited by Jyothi Shankar Singh, London: Praeger. 1979. 228pp. £11.75Unequal Partners: North-South dialogue, a balance sheet on the eve of UNCTAD V. Garret FitzGerald, New York: United Nations. 1979. 75 ppThe General Assembly of the United Nations: a quantitative analysis of conflict, inequality and relevance. Kurt Jacobsen, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 1978. 209 ppChina, the United Nations, and World Order. Samuel S Kim, Princeton University Press. 1979. 600 ppTales from the Dark Continent: images of British colonial Africa in the twentieth century. Edited by Charles Allen, London: Andre Deutsch-BBC. 1979. 166pp. £6.95Curriculum and Reality in African Primary Schools. Hugh Hawes, London: Longman. 1979. 220pp. £6.95. £3.50 pbDisease in African History: an introductory survey and case studies. Edited by G W Hartwig & K D Patterson, Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press. 1978. 258 pp. $13.75The Palestinians. Jonathan Dimbleby, London: Quartet Books. 1979. 256 pp. £12.50Iran: dictatorship and development. Fred Halliday, Harmondsworth, England: Penguin (second edition). 1979. 360pp. £1.75 pbIran: the illusion of power. Robert Graham, London: Croom Helm. 1978. 228 pp. £7.95A Development Strategy for Iran through the 1980s. Robert E Looney, London: Praeger. 1977. 207pp. £14.75Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the destruction of Cambodia. William Shawcross, London: Andre Deutsch. 1979. 468pp. £6.95Indonesia's Oil. Sevinc Carlson, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press (distributed in the UK by Ernest Benn). 1978.257 pp. £13.75Armed Struggle in Palestine: a political-military analysis. Bard E O'Neill, Folkestone, England: Dawson. 1978. 320pp. £11.00Turkey: weak link of imperialism. RYürükoğlu, London: Isçinin Sesi Publications. 1979. 178pp. £2.50India's Political Economy, 1947-1977. Francine R Frankel, Princeton University Press. 1979. 600 pp. £21.90. £7.90 pbSouth Asia's Exports to the EEC: obstacles and opportunities. Vincent Cable & Ann Weston, London: Overseas Development Institute. 1979. 179 pp. £5.00 pbViolence and Politics in Jamaica 1960-70. Terry Lacey, Manchester University Press. 1977. 184pp. £8.50Peasants, Plantations and Rural Communities in the Caribbean. Edited by Malcolm Cross & Arnaud Marks, Guildford: University of Surrey. 1979. 304pp. £2.95Cities and Frontiers in Brazil. Martin Katzman, Harvard University Press. 1977. 225pp. £11.55Dependent Development: the alliance of multinational, state, and local capital in Brazil. Peter Evans, Princeton University Press. 1979. 380pp. £12.50. £3.75 pbThe Frontier in Latin American History. Alistair Hennessy, London: Edward Arnold. 1978. 202pp. £8.95Can Education Policy Equalise Income Distribution in Latin America?. Martin Carnoy et al, Farnborough, England: Saxon House. 1979. 110 pp. £6.00 |