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German Unification. Process and Outcomes. Edited by M. Donald Hancock and Helga A. welsh. Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford: Westview Press, 1994.Policing a Socialist Society. The German Democratic Republic. By Nancy Travis Wolfe. New York, Westport, Connecticut and London: Greenwood Press, 1992.Germany 1946-1981. Archive of Newspaper Cuttings collected by the British Military Government in Berlin with special reference to the German Democratic Republic. Part 1: Introductory Guide. Part 2: Index. By Janet Wharton and William goldsmith. Institute of German, Austrian & Swiss Affairs, University of Nottingham, 1993. Part 1, £3. Part 2, £15.Unequal Partners: A Comparative Analysis of Relations between Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany and Between Canada and the United States. Edited by Harald von Riekhoff and Hanspeter Neuhold. Boulder and Oxford: Westview Press, 1993.Abgeordnete und Repräsentation: Amtsverständnis und Wahlkreisarbeit. By Werner J. Patzelt. Passau: Wissenschaftsverlag Rothe, 1993. DM78.The New Europe. Politics, Government and Economy since 1945. Edited by Jonathon Story. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.Willy Brandt. Eine Politische Biographic By Barbara Marshall. Bonn: Bouvier, 1993.Handbuch des politischen Systems Österreichs. Edited by Herbert Dachs, Peter Gerlich, Herbert Gottweis, Franz Horner. Helmut Kramer, Volkmar Lauber, Wolfgang C. Müller. Emmerich Talos. Wien: Manzsche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1992. DM109.The Hidden Hand - Gorbachev and the Collapse of East Germany. By Jeffrey Gedmin. AEI Press, 1992. $17.95.The End of Elitism? The Démocratisation of the West German University System. By Rosalind M. O. Pritchard. New York, Oxford and Munich: Berg, 1990. £39.50. hb.Mothertongue and Fatherland. By Michael Townson. MUP, 1992. £35.The European Community in the 1990s: Economics, Politics, Defence. Edited by Brian Nelson, David Roberts and Walter Veit. New York/Oxford: Berg, 1992. £32 hb.Politik in Österreich. Die Zweite Republik. Bestand und Wandel. Edited by Wolfgang Mantl. Vienna: Bohlau Verlag, 1992. ÖS 980,-.Switzerland and the European Common Market, By René Schwok. New York: Praeger Pulishers, 1992.Die extreme Rechte in Deutschland. Geschichte - gegenwärtige Gefahren - Ursachen - Gegenmaßnahmen. By Uwe Backes and Patrick Moreau. Münich: Akad. Verlag, 1993.Die deutschen Länder in Europa. Politische Union und Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion. Edited by Franz H.U. Borkenhagen, Christian Bruns-Klöss, Gerhard Memminger, Otti Stein. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pb.Politischer Extremismus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Das Standardwerk in Aktualisierter Fassung. By Uwe Backes and Eckhard Jesse. Berlin: Propyläen Verlag, 1993.Verwaltungsreform und Verwaltungspolitik im Prozess der Deutschen Einigung. Edited by Wolfgang Seibel, Arthur Benz and Heinz Mäding. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1993.Zwischen Kooperation und Korruption: Abweichendes Verhalten in der Verwaltung. Edited by Arthur Benz and Wolfgang Seibel. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1993.Racism and Migration in Western Europe. Edited by John Wrench and John Solomos. Oxford; Berg, 1993. £34.95 hb. |