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Jacob Wolfowitz:Selected Papers. Ed. by J. Kiefer with the assistances of U. Augin and L. Weiss. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1980. XIII, 642 s., 6 Abb., 1 Tab., DM 69, -.S. Weisberg; Applied linear REgression. John Wiley & Sons, New York-Chichester-Brisbane-Toronto 1980, 283 s., $ 13.35.H.W. Gottinger; Elemetns of Statistical Analysis. Walter de Grnyter, New York 1980. 244 s., DM 60, -.D.k. Hildebrand, J.D. Laing, H. Rosenthjal; Prediction Analysis of Cross Classifications. John Wiley & Sons. New York 1977, 311 pp., $28.60; £16.80.N.k. N amboodiri, L.F. Cabter, H.M. Bialock. Jr,:Applied Multvariate Analysis and Experimental Design. McGraw-Hill, New York 1975, 688 pp., DM 70, -.Erling B. Andersen:Discrete Statistical Models with Social Science Applieations. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford 1980, VIII, 383 S., $ 39. -; Dfl. 80. -.Stoodley, Lewis, Stainton:Applied Statistical Techniques. J. Wiley & Sons, New York. Chichester-Brisbane-Toronto 1980, 310 S., papered. £ 6.90; $ 18.25.S.M. Goldfeld and R.E. Quandt; Nonlinear Methods in Econometries. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1972, 280 pp., Dfl. 60, -.James V. Beck, Kenneth J. Arnold:Parameter Estimation in Engineering and Science. J. wiley & Sons, New York-London-Sydney-Toronto 1977, 501 pp., $31.70; £18.75.J.Lamperti:Stochastic Processes (Appl. Math. Sci. 23). Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidel-berg-New York 1977, 266 pp., DM 21,40.H.E. Kyburg, Jr., H.E. Smokler:Studies in subjective Probility, 2, ed. Robert E. Keieger publ.Co., Huntington-New York 1980, 262 pp., $ 10.50.Proceedings in Operations Research 9. Vorträge der Jahrestagumg 1979 der DGOr. Heraus-Gegeben Von J. Schwarze, L. Von Dobschütz. B. Fleischmann, Ch. Schneeweiss, H. Steckhan, Physica-Verlag, Würzburg-Wien 1980. 668 S.J. Kohlas:Stochastische Methoden des Operations Research. B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart 1977, 192 S., 107 Beisp., DM 24,80.M.Jambu:Classification Automatique pour Panalyse des Données, tome 1 et 2. Dunod, Paris 1979, 310 pp., 110 FF; 440 pp., 140 FF.Solodownikow u.a.:Bereehnung von Regelsystement anf Digitalrechnern. Veb Verlang Technik Berlin:Verlag maschinostrojeniji, Moskau 1979, 576 S., 132 Abb., 10 Tab., 74, - M.U. Stammbach:Lineare Aigebra. Verlag B.G. Teibner, Stuttgart 1980. (Teubner Studienskripten:82:Mathematik) 258 S., DM 14,80.R. Bartoszynski, J. Koronacki, R. Zielinski:Mathematical Statistics. Banach Center Publications, Vol. 6. Pwn - Polish Scientific Publishers, Warszawa 1980, 376 S.H.Büringer, H.Martin, K.H. Schriever; Nonparametric Sequential Selection Procedures. Birkhäuser, Boston-Basel-Stuttgart 1980, 488 S.Chin Long Chiang:An Introduction to Stochastic Processes and Their Applications. Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co., Hutington, N. Y. 1980, S., $ 36,50.R.D. Gill:Censoring and Stochastic Integrals. MCT 124. Matjematisch Centrum, Amsterdam 1980, 178pp., DfL. 22. -G. Kallianpur:Stochastic Filtering Theory. Applications of Mathematics, Vol. 13. Springe-Verlag, New York-Heidelberg-Berlin 1980, XVI, 316 pp., DM 59.50.J. Reidiess; Direkte Simulation Mehrdimensionaler Markoffscher Systeme. Beiträge zur Datenverabeitung und Unternehmensforschung, Band 24, Königstein 1980, 251 S., DM 68. -.F.R. Pichler, F. De Hankia (Eds.):Progress in Cybernetics and System Research, Vol. VII Hemisphere Publ. Corp., Washingron-London-New York 1980, 394 S., $ 50. -.H. Kreul:Programmierbare Tasehenrechner. Veb Fachbunchverlag, Lepzig 1980, 199 s., 26 Abb., 9,80M; Ausl. 12, - M.F. Singer:Programmieren in der Praxis. Reihe:Leitfäden der angewandten Informatik. B. G. Teubner, STuttgart 1980, 176 S., 39 Abb., Dm 18.80. |