Book reviews

Autor: Borthwick, Meredith, Scrase, Tim, Bailey, Greg, Varma, C.B., Comans, Michael, Franco, Eli, Kemper, Steven, Khan, Mohammad Mohabbat, Haq, Selina, Mostafa, Iqbal Mohammad, Moore, R.J., George, V., Newman, R.S., Diehl, F.W., Newell, William H., Catanach, I.J.
Zdroj: South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies; June 1989, Vol. 12 Issue: 1 p115-143, 29p
Abstrakt: Rehana Ghadially (ed.), Women in Indian Society: a reader (Delhi, Sage, 1988), 310pp. Rs. 190.Krishna Kumar, Social Character of Learning (New Delhi, Sage Publications, 1989), 140pp., Rs 125.Richard F. Gombrich (ed.), Indian Ritual and Its Exegesis, [Oxford University Papers on India, Volume 2, Part I] (Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1988), xvii, 175pp.Paula Richman, Women, Branch Stories, and Religions Rhetoric in a Tamil Buddhist Text (New York, Syracuse University Press, 1988), xii, 272pp., US$19.00.David White, The Bhagavad Gita. A New Translation and Commentary [American University Studies. Series VII, Theology and Religion, vol. 39], (New York, Peter Lang, 1988), 246pp.P. Schreiner and R. Söhnen, Sanskrit Indices and Text of the Brahmapurana [Purana Research Publications, Tübingen, (ed.) Heinrich von Stietencron], (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1987), xxiii, 826pp., 26 microfiches.Olle Qvarnström, Hindu Philosophy in Buddhist Perspective, The Vedantatattvaviniscaya Chapter of Bhavya's Madhyamakahrdayakarika, Lund Studies in African and Asian Religions, Vol. 4 (Lund -- Plus Ultra, 1989), 170pp.T.N. Madan (ed.) Way of Life: King, Householder, Renouncer (Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1988), 435pp. Rs. 190.Denis Wright, Bangladesh: Origins and Indian Ocean Relations (1971-1975), (Dhaka, Academic Publishers, 1988) vi, 310pp. Tk. 300.Paramanand, Political Development in South Asia (Dhaka, Academic Publishers, 1988).R. Sisson and S. Wolpert (eds.), Congress and Indian Nationalism: the pre-Independence phase (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1988), vii, 420pp. US$48.00.K.C. Mascarenhas, A Strategy for Rural Development, Dairy Cooperatives in India (New Delhi, Sage, 1988), 295pp. Rs. 190.Anil Bhatt, Development and Social Justice: Micro Action by Weaker Sections (New Delhi, Sage, 1989), 208pp. Rs. 175.E.L. Jones, The European Miracle, Environments, Economics and Geopolitics in the History of Europe and Asia, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987), 279pp.E.L. Jones, Growth Recurring: Economic Change in World History (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988), 247pp.M.J. Akbar, Riot after riot, reports on caste and communal violence in India (New Delhi, Penguin Books, 1988), 175pp.Zoya Hasan, Dominance and Mobilisation: Rural Politics in Western Uttar Pradesh 1930-1980 (New Delhi, Sage Publications, 1989), 195pp. Rs. 175.
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