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L.G. Bagshawe (trans.). The Maniyadanabon of Shin Sandalinka, Data Paper No. 115, Southeast Asia Program, Cornelll University, Ithaca (N.Y.), 1981. 132 pp, foreword, translator's preface, glossary, preface to 1968 edition by U Myint Hswei. Paper: US$7.00.A. Chamid, The Poorest of the Poor: Three Case Studies from Indonesia, trans, by K. Foulcher, Center of Southeast Asian Studies Working Paper No. 26, Monash University, Melbourne, 1982. 42 pp, preface, illustrations. Paper: $1.50.Cho-yun Hsu, Bibliographic Notes on Studies of Early China, Chinese Materials Center, Hong Kong, 1982. viii, 98 pp, author and title index. US$15.Te-k'un Cheng, Studies in Chinese Archaeology, Chinese University Press, Hong Kong, 1982. xii, 148 pp, 45 plates, bibliography, index. Cloth: n.p.g.G.W. Jones & H.V. Richter (eds.), Population Resettlement Programme in Southeast Asia, Development Studies Centre Monograph No. 30, Australian National University Press, 1982. 189 pp, preface, maps, refs. Paper: $12.Hung-ting Ku (Hongting Gu), (comp.), Qingdai daxueshi nianbiao (The Grand Secretariat in Ch'ing China: A Chronological List), Chinese Materials Center, San Francisco, 1980. v, 151 pp, index. Paper: US$8.50.Wei-yi Ma, A Bibliography of Chinese-Language Materials on the People's Communes, Michigan Papers in Chinese Studies No. 44, Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1982. 301 pp, preface, user's guide, journal abbreviations, pinyin/Wade-Giles conversion chart, index. Cloth: n.p.g. Paper: US$10.Milton Osborne, Southeast Asia: An Introductory History, Second Edition, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1983. 205 pp, introduction, suggested readings, two charts, index. Cloth: n.p.g. Paper: $9.95.*Milton Osborne, Ho Chi Minh Leaders of Asia Series, University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia, 1982. 27 pp. Paper: $3.50.K. Polman, The North Moluccas: an Annotated Bibliography, introd. by Ch. F. van Fraassen, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1981. 192 pp, introduction, maps, author and subject index. Paper: Dfl.30.R. Renard et al (eds.), Southeast Asian Courses in the United States, Australia and England: A Collection of Course Outlines, Prelim. Edn., Department of History, Payap College, Chieng Mai, 1982. 253 pp, preface, bibliography. Paper: n.p.g.Maxime Rodinson, Israel and the Arabs, Second edition, Penguin Books, 1982. Paper: $8.95.Richard Storry, A History of Modern Japan, Penguin Books, Australia, revised and reprinted 1982. 304 pp, prefatory note, map, introduction, bibliographical note, index. Paper: $5.75.C. Warren, Ideology, Identity and Change: The Experience of the Bajau Laut of East Malaysia, 1969-1975. Southeast Asia Monograph Series No.14, James Cook University, Townsville, 1983. 115 pp, figs., appendix, bibliography. Paper: $8.00.Michael C. Williams, Sickle and Crescent: The Communist Revolt of 1926 in Banten, Modern Indonesia Project, Southeast Asia Program Monograph Series No. 61, Cornell University, Ithaca (N.Y.), 1982. 81 pp, appendices, maps. Paper: US$6.00.*Atlas of Southeast Asia -- Population, Aust-Asia Publications, Canberra, 1983. 23 pp, introduction, maps, figs., Paper: $4.50. |