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David Y.H. Wu, ed., Ethnicity and Interpersonal Interaction: A Cross Cultural Study, Maruzen Asia, 1982. 307 pp. Npg.Arvind Sharma, ed., Women in World Religions, McGill Studies in the History of Religions, State University of New York Press, Albany 1987. 302 pp. Preface, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth: US$34.50 Paper: US$10.95.E.M. Andrews, Australia and China: The Ambiguous Relationship, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1985. xiv, 312 pp. Cloth: $29.95.Daniel M. Crane and Thomas A. Breslin, An Ordinary Relationship: American Opposition to Republican Revolution in China, University Presses of Florida, Miami, 1986. xxii, 225 pp. Ack., preface, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth: US$25.Beverley Hooper, China Stands Up. Ending the Western Presence, 1948-1950, Far Eastern History, ASAA East Asia Series, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1986. xi, 246 pp. Preface, abbrev., notes, select bibliography, index. Paper: $19.95.Elizabeth Perry and Christine Wong, eds., The Political Economy of Reform in Post-Mao China, Harvard Contemporary China Series: 2, The Council on East Asian Studies and Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1985. xiv, 331 pp. Introduction, notes, index. Paper: npg.Brantly Womack, ed., Media and the Chinese Public: A Survey of the Beijing Media Audience, M.E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, 1986. 200 pp. Preface, introduction, appendices, index. Paper: US$14.95.John W. Dower, Japanese History and Culture from Ancient to Modern Times: Seven Basic Bibliographies, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1986. vi, 232 pp. Preface. Cloth: $108.50.Lady Hong, Memoirs of a Korean Queen, translated by Yang-hi Choe-Wall, KPI, London, 1987. viii, 127 pp. Preface, introduction, appendices, notes. Cloth: $49.95.Shidzue Ishimoto, Facing Two Ways: The Story of My Life, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1984. xvi, 373 pp. Afterword. Cloth: US$35 Paper: US$10.95.Takie Sugiyama Lebra, Japanese Women: Constraint and Fulfillment, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1984. xi, 345 pp. Preface, introduction, references, notes, glossary, index. Cloth: US$18.95.Ann Nakano, Japanese Women: A Century of Living History, Rigby, 1986. 142 pp. Npg.Ian Nish, The Origins of the Russo-Japanese War, Longman, London and New York, 1985. xiii, 274 pp. Foreword, preface, ack., abbrev., select bibliography, maps, index. Paper: $19.50.Anne Walthall, Social Protest and Popular Culture in Eighteenth Century Japan, University of Arizona Press, Tucson Arizona, 1986. xviii, 268 pp. Preface, references, index. Cloth: US$19.50.William W. Kelly, Deference and Defiance in Nineteenth Century Japan, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1985. xvi, 322 pp. Figures, tables, maps, preface, appendix, character list, references, index. Cloth: US$36.50.Robert J. Bickner, Thomas J. Hudak and Patcharin Peyasantiwong, eds., Papers from a Conference on Thai Studies in Honor of William J. Gedney, Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asia No. 25, Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1986. ix, 265 pp. Cloth: US$24.95 Paper: US$11.95.Dennis Bloodworth, The Tiger and the Trojan Horse, Times Books International, Singapore, 1986. xiii, 353 pp. Introduction, ack., bibliography, index. Cloth: S$29.90.R. Higgott and R. Robison, eds., Southeast Asia. Essays in the Political Economy of Structural Change, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1985. vi, 340 pp. Paper: £9.95.M.B. Hooker, ed., The Laws of South-East Asia Vol. I: The Pre-Modern Texts, Butterworth and Co. (Asia) Pty. Ltd., Singapore, 1986. xvi, 624 pp. Preface, introduction, sources, references, bibliography. Cloth: $225.Amarjit Kaur, Bridge and Barrier: Transport and Communications in Colonial Malaya 1870-1957, Oxford University Press, Singapore, 1985. xix, 235 pp. Preface, ack., tables, maps, figures, abbrev., note on currency values and weights, introduction. Cloth: S$55.H.A.J. Klooster, Indonesiërs Schrijven Hun Geschiedenis: De Ontwikkeling van de Indonesische Geschiedbeoefening in Theorie en Praktijk, 1900-1980, Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 113, Foris Publications, Dordrecht/Cinnaminson, 1985. x, 264 pp. Foreword, notes, bibliography, index. Paper: Dfl.35.David Lim, ed., ASEAN-Australia Trade in Manufactures, Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, 1985. xii, 263 pp. Paper: $24.95.James Minchin, No Man is an Island: A Study of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1986. xvi, 375 pp. Introduction, bibliography, index. Cloth: $29.95.H.A. Poeze et. al., In het Land van de Overheerser. I. Indonesiers in Nederland 1600-1950, Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, v. 100, Floris Publications, Dordrecht, 1986. ix, 398 pp. Foreword, introduction, index. Cloth: Df1.60/US$30.Jon S.T. Quah, Chan Heng Chee and Sean Chee Meow, eds., Government and Politics of Singapore, Oxford University Press, Singapore, 1985. xviii, 324 pp. Foreword, ack., introduction, notes, select bibliography, index. Cloth: S$65.Anthony Reid and Oki Akira, eds., The Japanese Experience in Indonesia: Selected Memoirs of 1942-1945, Monographs in International Studies Southeast Asia Series no. 72, Ohio University Center for International Studies, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Athens, Ohio, 1986. xiii, 411 pp. Glossary, preface, introduction, illustrations, bibliography, index. Paper: US$18.Barbara Gifford Shimer and Guy Hobbs, trans., The Kenpeitai in Java and Sumatra (Selections from 'The Authentic History of the Kenpeitai' [Nihon Kenpei Seishi], Cornell Modern Indonesia Project Translation Series no. 65, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1986. iii, 80 pp. Introduction, preface, bibliography. Paper: US$8.Shamsul, A.B., From British to Bumiputera Rule: Local Politics and Rural Development in Peninsular Malaysia, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1986. xxi, 276 pp. Preface, introduction, abbrev., glossary, bibliography, index. Cloth: S$47.50 Paper: S$29.50.Somsakdi Xuto, ed., Government and Politics of Thailand, Oxford University Press, Singapore, 1987. xii, 243 pp. Foreword, ack., tables, figures, notes, introduction, bibliography, index. Cloth: $75.Bankimchandra Chatterjee, (translated and edited by S.N. Mukherjee and Marian Maddern), Sociological Essays. Utilitarianism and Positivism in Bengal, Wild Peony, Sydney, 1986. xi, 206 pp. Foreword, preface, introduction. Cloth: $28.Antony Copley, Gandhi: Against the Tide, Basil Blackwell Ltd., Oxford, 1987. vii, 118 pp. Map, glossary, references and further reading (works useful for students noted with asterisk), index. Price: UK £3.25.S. Immanuel David, Reformed Church in America Missionaries in South India 1839-1938: An Analytical Study, Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore, 1986. x, 171 pp. Appendix, bibliography. Npg.Mohammad Mohabbat Khan and John P. Thorp, eds., Bangladesh: Society, Politics and Bureaucracy, Centre for Administrative Studies, Dhaka, 1984. 190 pp. Preface. Paper: US$12.A. McDowall and A. Sharma, eds., Vignettes of Vrindavan, Books & Books, New Delhi, 1987. 159 pp. Price: Rs220.S.N. Mukherjee, Sir William Jones. A Study in Eighteenth-Century British Attitudes in India, 2nd edition, Orient Longman, Hyderabad, 1987. 175 pp. Introduction, notes, bibliography, index. 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