Modelling of a typical car seat

Autor: Belouettar, S., Rauchs, G., Kirsch, A., Bieck, W.
Zdroj: Matériaux & Techniques; January 2006, Vol. 94 Issue: 3 p217-226, 10p
Abstrakt: The development of a model for the determination of the pressure distribution in a typical car seat is proposed. The major challenge is the implementation of the constitutive model of the foam. Indeed, foams cannot be considered as being linearly elastic, and the constants describing their mechanical behaviour are not generally available. A suitable material model and the parameters of this model have to be determined from mechanical experiments. Particular attention will be focused on the modelling of the material behaviour of the foam and the influence of the pre-stressing of the trim. Considering the rather complicated constitutive behaviour of the foam and the shape of the seat, a numerical, finite element model will be used rather than an analytical model. The car seat is considered as a block partially enveloped in a trim under pretension. The results will be validated through experimental data obtained from an experimental set-up developed.On propose le d?veloppement d'un mod?le en ?l?ments finis pour la d?termination de la distribution du champ de pression dans un si?ge de voiture. Le d?fi principal est l?impl?mentation du mod?le constitutif de la mousse. En effet, les mousses de polyur?thane ne peuvent ?tre consid?r?es comme lin?airement ?lastiques et les constantes d?crivant leur comportement m?canique ne sont g?n?ralement pas disponibles. Un mod?le m?canique appropri? ainsi que les param?tres de ce mod?le doivent ?tre d?termin?s ? partir d?exp?riences m?caniques. Une attention particuli?re sera apport?e ? la mod?lisation du comportement de la mousse et de l'influence de la pr?contrainte exerc?e par la housse du si?ge. Au vu de la complexit? de la loi constitutive de la mousse, de la housse et de la g?om?trie du si?ge, un mod?le num?rique en ?l?ments finis simplifi? a ?t? employ?. Le si?ge de voiture est consid?r? comme un bloc partiellement envelopp? par une housse en textile initialement sous tension. Les r?sultats seront valid?s par des donn?es exp?rimentales.
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