Die „unruhige Arbeiterschaft“. Rüstungsproduktion und Arbeiterbewegung in einer U-Boot-Werft. Die AG „Weser“ im Ersten Weltkrieg.

Autor: Farina, Antonio
Zdroj: Jahrbuch fuer Forschungen zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung; sep2014, Issue 3, p85-106, 22p
Abstrakt: The article discusses workers' movements and strikes among employees involved in the production of military equipment in the AG Weser submarine wharf in World War I-era Bremen, Germany. The importance to the German war effort of manufacturing submarines is emphasized, the lack of qualified workers in Germany is described, and statistics on the numbers of submarines and other ships constructed in Bremen are offered. Information is provided on the employment of women and teenagers in the wharf following the conscription of the male workers as well as on the wages paid to workers in the wharf.
Databáze: Supplemental Index