Mechanical Characterizations of Polyester-Based Surgical Mesh Coated with Chitosan.

Autor: Dülek, Yasemin, Demirci, Sibel, Kalyoncu, Emel, Altunel, Yüksel, Ulcay, Yusuf
Zdroj: Abstracts of the Fiber Society Symposium; 2010, p267-268, 2p
Abstrakt: In this study, mesh material was coated with chitosan to prevent adhesion on membrane of internal organs and to provide anti microbiological. Then experiment results were investigated in invitro. Polyester-based mesh materials having different porosity were sterilized and coated with different chitosan concentrations. The effects of processes were investigated on drilling and pulling strength properties depends on time. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Supplemental Index