How Did I Research Rawls?

Autor: XU You-yu
Zdroj: Journal of Bohai University (Philosophy & Social Science Edition) / Bohai Daxue Xuebao (Zhexue Shehuikexue Ban); 2008, Issue 6, p5-10, 6p
Abstrakt: There are two aspects for academic activities: recent research results with certain value and some originality, and the lessons, experiences and methods obtained from the results. On the basis of Rawls 'theory of justice and equality, Rawls' academic training background and methods are discussed, the neglected points in Rawls' theory are analyzed, the deficiencies in Rawls' argumentation are pointed out, and some complementary argumentations are added to Rawls' theory. By comparing Rawls with his two contemporaries, Rawls' theory is further defined for its property and complexity, and an evaluation is made of Rawls' theory for its similarity to China's reality. Most important of all, by analyzing Rawls' theory, new conclusion is" drawn as to how to research the Western philosophy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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