Autor: Overstreet, Charles, Burris, E., Cook, D. R., McGawley, Edward C., Padgett, Boyd, Wolcott, Maurice
Zdroj: Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conferences; 2007, p587-597, 11p, 2 Color Photographs, 5 Graphs
Abstrakt: Telone II is a pre-plant fumigant that is currently being used to help manage problems from a number of nematode types in cotton. The fumigant does have some specific requirements that should be met including applying at the right temperature, moisture level, and proper soil depth. Several applicator types are currently being used to apply Telone including subsoilers or large coulters to apply Telone at the proper depth. Because nematode distribution is not necessary uniform throughout a field, several techniques such as grid sampling, zone sampling, or block sampling are used to identify areas in a field where nematodes occur. Nematicide trials conducted in the past in producer fields have primarily looked at the response of Telone across the entire field without any regard to various soil textures that may be present within these fields. Current evaluations of Telone are being conducted that takes into consideration the variability of soil textures that occur within production fields. These include ECa to get a measurement of soil texture, aerial imagery to measure plant development during the growing season, and yield monitor data to pinpoint yield or yield response within a field. Telone response does vary within fields based on soil texture with the greatest responses occurring in the lightest areas of the field. As the clay content of the soil increases as measured by ECa in a field, the response to this fumigant decreases. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Supplemental Index