Developing Employment Policy in Europe.

Autor: Carballo, Marita, Hjelmar, Ulf, Bielenski, Harald
Zdroj: Public Opinion Polling in a Globalized World; 2008, p173-190, 18p
Abstrakt: Policy making needs a vision of how society should be organised. It also needs solid empirical data which describes the reality of citizens. In a world which is becoming increasingly complex and where change occurs fast, the provision of empirical data which adequately reflects reality is a challenging task. Data provided by the statistical offices is often unable to meet all requirements. Therefore representative sample surveys play an important role in providing policy makers with the necessary information. This applies to all stages of the policy-making process: the identification of the problem, the design of adequate measures, the implementation stage and the final evaluation. The article gives examples from employment policy. It addresses topics which are relevant for the proclaimed goal of creating "more and better jobs" in Europe: labourmarket participation, working hours and health and safety at work. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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