Autor: Musmon, Margaret, Milliken, Laurie, Gallo, Ann Marie
Zdroj: Dance; 2007, Vol. 6, p53-63, 11p, 1 Diagram, 2 Charts
Abstrakt: As Veal (1992) suggests, teacher education programs must focus on student assessment particularly as a way to link instruction with accountability. It is, therefore, important to expose students to the teaching and assessment of dance. The purposes of the Triangle Assessment Project (TAP) were to (a) model meaningful and practical assessment practices in a dance activity course and (b) quantify the accuracy of the assessment instrument used. This project was initiated because a dance instructor wished to improve the subjective assessment practices she was modeling for students. Co-designed by a dance expert and an assessment specialist, the instrument was used as a study guide to improve student learning, performance, and assessment practices. Students used the instrument for self and peer assessments, while the instructor used the instrument to conduct teacher assessments. TAP includes data from four consecutive semesters of an introductory dance course. Fifty-seven students participated, twenty-five males and thirty-one females (one student did not report). Twenty-eight of the students were PETE majors, five students were exercise science majors, eight students selected ‘other’ as a major, and sixteen students did not report. The assessment instrument consisted of a rubric point system for rating dance performance based on specific criteria. In this study, we present and discuss the accuracy of the assessment instrument and its statistical implications. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Supplemental Index