A model for language and academic skills development for first-year students of business.

Autor: Shackleford, Nick, Blickem, Chelsea
Zdroj: Prospect (08147094); 2007, Vol. 22 Issue 1, p72-93, 222p, 4 Charts
Abstrakt: Studies of strategies used to assist students with the language demands of their first year of tertiary study demonstrate that one model does not suit all. The success of a model is often dependent on collaboration between language and subject specialists, and on the willingness of the institution to support such initiatives. This paper evaluates ways in which one New Zealand tertiary institution addresses the language needs of English as an Additional Language (EAL) students studying in their first year of business programmes. It is also evident that native speakers of English could benefit from aspects of this language programme but different issues emerge as a result of their inclusion. We identify where this research sits in relation to previous studies in the field, offer recommendations for a language development model and identify key characteristics for the institution's provision of language support to students. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Supplemental Index