Lime Swallowtails in a New World.

Autor: Wehling, Wayne, Núñez, Carmelo A., Glassberg, Jeffrey
Zdroj: American Butterflies; Summer/Fall2006, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p30-34, 5p, 7 Color Photographs, 1 Map
Abstrakt: The article discusses the emergence of lime swallowtail butterflies or Papilio demoleus in America. Lime swallowtails thrive in Asia and are pests of citrus groves. The Dominican Republic butterflies are derived from the Malayan subspecies of lime swallowtails based on a study conducted by a group from Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It states that the control and eradication efforts against the butterflies may pose serious harm to other butterflies in Florida.
Databáze: Supplemental Index