EXHILARATING CONNECTIONS: Berta Walker Talks About Her Years in the Art World.

Zdroj: Provincetown Arts; 2024/2025, Vol. 39, p67-71, 5p
Abstrakt: Berta Walker, owner of the Berta Walker Gallery in Provincetown, has been involved in the art world for 35 years. The gallery represents fifty artists working in various styles, from abstract to folk art. Walker compares overseeing the gallery to conducting an orchestra, ensuring a balanced combination of art. She has a deep connection to the arts, with her grandfather establishing the Walker Art Galleries in Minneapolis and her parents being active in the Provincetown art community. Walker's career has included working at the Whitney Museum of American Art and organizing events and fundraisers for the Fine Arts Work Center. She has also been involved in theater production and served as chair of the FAWC. The article discusses the career of Berta Walker, a gallery owner and supporter of emerging artists. Walker began her career as a gallery director in New York before moving to Provincetown, where she opened her own gallery. She has shown a diverse range of artists and believes deeply in the power of art to connect with viewers. Despite the challenges of running a gallery, Walker remains committed to supporting artists and their work. [Extracted from the article]
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