Cap Splint For Segmental Dentoalveolar Fractures In 11-Years Old Girl: A Case Report.

Autor: Saskianti, Tania, Oktaviani, Paramita Devi, Tedjosasongko, Udijanto, Marks, Luc A. M., Permana, Achmad Nadian, Ayuningtyas, Puspita, Nisa, Tiarisna Hidayatun
Zdroj: Journal of International Dental & Medical Research; 2023, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p1738-1741, 4p
Abstrakt: Mandibular fracture incidence was approximately 55.2% of pediatric facial fractures. The most common site of mandibular fractures was condyle, followed by symphysis and parasymphysis. Teeth splinting is recommended as the correct position of the repositioned teeth will provide comfort and support function for the patient, eventually supporting the children's general health. Appropriate and immediate response is highly recommended to treat mandibular fractures. This case report aims the management of trauma with segmental dentoalveolar fracture in the anterior mandible accompanied by loss of maxillary anterior teeth by the use of cap splint. An 11-years old girl with mandibular symphysis fracture compounded by several teeth missing and mobility followed by bleeding and crepitus in the mandibular anterior alveolar was referred to Universitas Airlangga Hospital twelve hours after the car accident. Systemic antibiotic and orthopantomogram were done at the first visit followed by wires and brackets splint insertion on the next day. A cap splint and acrylic denture were then inserted. Teeth mobility was corrected, at 42 days, then cap splint was removed. Cap splint as mandibular fracture fixation technique was suggested for segmental dentoalveolar trauma management in children. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Supplemental Index