Study Results from Islamic Azad University Broaden Understanding of Herbal Drugs [Evaluation the effect of common thistle (Cirsium vulgare) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris) derived extracts on cutaneous lesions healing in Holstein heifers].

Zdroj: Drug Week; 8/25/2023, p2522-2522, 1p
Abstrakt: Keywords: Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Drugs and Therapies; Herbal Drugs EN Complementary and Alternative Medicine Drugs and Therapies Herbal Drugs 2522 2522 1 08/21/23 20230825 NES 230825 2023 AUG 25 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Drug Week -- Investigators publish new report on herbal drugs. Experimental: The twenty Holstein heifers by average age, 15 months and average weight of 250(+-)50 kg were selected to evaluate cutaneous lesions healing after treatment with common thistle and thyme derived extracts. [Extracted from the article]
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