Abstrakt: |
The article presents focuses on the squatter settlements in Nicaragua. It informs that more than 100,000 people or 11% of the population of Managua, the capital of `Nicaragua, live in squatter settlements, which since the' 1979 Revolution, have arisen on the city's expanses of vacant land. The squatter settlements in Managua, unlike their counterparts in other Latin American cities, have arisen in the center, rather than on the outskirts of the city. The Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements, which implemented the urban planning and development policies of the Nicaraguan government, had responded to the housing shortage by constructing "San Antonio," a standard tract development with approximately 200 prefabricated houses, in the former center of the city. After "San Antonio" was completed in 1981, no additional funds were allocated to build new housing in Managua. Although the Nicaraguan government recognizes the need for new housing in Managua, it has not been able to meet that need. |