
Zdroj: Social Movements in Malaysia; 2002, p196-206, 11p
Abstrakt: The article focuses on the social movements and the role of non governmental organizations(NGO) in Malaysia. The debate over who constituted the Malay community was especially significant. The state seeks to control NGOs in the interests of national security because NGOs are seen as lobbying and pressure groups which do not have to be accountable to the "public trust," whereas elected politicians are at least legitimized in periodic elections. Some NGOs have voluntarily limited the role of politicians in their organisations. Action groups may lack a grassroots base but have some common trait uniting members and a real sense of agency, even if they rely to some extent on domestic and foreign allies. In the subcategory of new social movements (NSMs), the actors involved share or develop a specific collective identity and critique growth and "tendencies to colonize the life-world." Key NSMs include movements for the environment and women's rights, and against nuclear proliferation. Indonesian scholars have written more on the topic, though most of these accounts are rather shallow or dismissive of any significant distinction between civil society and masyarakat madani.
Databáze: Supplemental Index