Zdroj: Filozofia; 2023, Vol. 78 Issue 5, p366-379, 14p
Abstrakt: The paper tries to find answers to the problem of current influential dichotomies such as virtual-physical, natural-artificial and, through that, also subjectiveobjective. We will try to show how these boundaries are blurred in the current socio-political situation and point out the problems in defining them using classical concepts. The problem is the contradiction between fixed identity and fluidity. To analyze this contradiction, we use Georg Picht's text The Idea of Nature and its History and also the concept of evential hermeneutics of Claude Romano. Both authors develop Martin Heidegger's philosophy. It turns out that the problem of this dichotomy lies in the identity of the transcendental subject, in the definition of the subjective inside of man versus the outside, and in the definition of nature not as a physis but as a quantitative world. The solution to this problem can be found in the concept of temporality. Both authors follow dynamic thinking about the world and about existence with their concepts of emergence-from-self, energy, three modalities of time, event and advenant, in which the emergence from self, process and nothingness are postulated instead of inside, solidity and fullness. At the same time, a different view of human existence is essential for both of them, and this is closely related to the artistic dwelling of man in the world. The result is a different way of thinking about the world and nature, in which a different solution to the current problem of crossing the virtual and the physical is offered. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Supplemental Index