Environments of Identity. Agricultural community, work and concepts of local in Yorkshire, 1918–2018 (The White Horse Press, Winwick, 2022): By Jane Rowling. xiii + 279 pp. 18 b/w illustrations, 2 tables, 1 graph. ISBN 9781 912 18652 5. Price...

Autor: Burchardt, Jeremy
Zdroj: Landscape History; May 2023, Vol. 44 Issue 1, p151-153, 3p
Abstrakt: Chapter 2, "Dangerous environments", explores these risks both as they relate to the farming community itself and the "natural" environment. In contrast to most other occupations, Rowling emphasises, the product of farming skill and diligence lie open to inspection: straight furrows, flourishing livestock and abundant, weed-free crops are a "display case" of farming skill, contributing to the maintenance and diffusion of community-sanctioned norms of good farming. Is the culture of risk taking Rowling describes inseparable from the "good life" so many of her interviewees insist farming has given them?. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Supplemental Index