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The ABCs of EDCs Sub s t an tial e vidence has emer g ed o v er the las t dec ades tha t e xposur e t o endocrine-disrup ting chemic als (EDCs) is connected to obesity and obesity-related metabolic diseases. 30 Return to Table of Contents TOWNSEND LETTER - MAY 2021 Pediatric Pearls by Michelle Perro, MD Obesity in Children: The ABCs of EDCs I r ece iv ed a fr an tic c all fr om a nur se/ c olleague, Liz, who jus t c ame back fr om her pedia tr cian's office with a long lis t of ques tions c oncerning r ecen t abnormal labor a t or y r esults f or her fiv e- y ear-old daugh t er, Sar ah. Her ph y sician had r e vie w ed the lab r esults with her, but she w asn't sa tis fied with his ans w er s. Sar ah w as being e v alua t ed f or obesity. [Extracted from the article] |