Two deaths due to explosion of cylinders of liquid petroleum gas.

Autor: Sonwani, Nagendra Singh, Ateriya, Navneet, Kumar, Arvind, Kohli, Anil
Zdroj: Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences; 3/8/2021, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p1-5, 5p
Abstrakt: Background: Cylinder blasts can inflict multi-system life-threatening injuries to one or many persons simultaneously if they are nearby. The explosion in high-pressure equipment produces injuries due to its varied effects. Cases have been reported where the blast occurred in balloon gas cylinder, oxyacetylene gas cylinder, oxygen cylinder, coffee machine, and compressor of a split air conditioner (AC). Most of the cases are accidental. The investigation into the blast circumstances is of utmost importance to find out the manner and device involved. Case presentation: Here, we present a report of two cases where victims suffered blast injuries at the same location due to the explosion of two different capacity liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) domestic cylinder and died on the spot. Conclusion: The investigation into the blast circumstances is of utmost importance to find out the manner and device involved. Malpractice involving use of cylinder to fill another one might be dangerous for the person involved and present in the vicinity. This practice should be discouraged by lay person. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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