Demnitatea umană şi dreptul la replică în sistemul constituţional român.

Autor: AGAPIE (PĂUN), Andreea-Claudia
Zdroj: Public Law Review / Revista de Drept Public; 2019, Issue 1, p32-40, 9p
Abstrakt: This article focuses on the right to reply, a right that although not explicitly stated in the Constitution, has special implications in the practical sphere and is closely related to a supreme value: human dignity. The right to reply arises (and in relation to the area of the right to information) as the only way to effectively remedy the prejudice caused to individuals by damaging their dignity. The implications of the right to reply in the practical field are reflected in the article through the analysis of internal and international jurisprudence in this case of judgments handed down both by national courts (such as the Constitutional Court of Romania) and by international courts (in this case the European Court of Human Rights). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Supplemental Index