Business strategy, organizational structure, work processes: are the alignment?

Zdroj: Quality - Access to Success; 2019 Supplament1, Vol. 20, p399-404, 6p
Abstrakt: The development of digital creative industry in Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY), Indonesia is growing rapidly. This condition is supported by the emergence of other businesses such as hotels, culinary, fashion, furniture and other creative industries. Beside that DIY known as education city. The purpose of study is examine and analyze the level of business strategy alignment which implemented by digital creative companies in DIY and associated with organizational structure and work processes. Population in this study is leader/manager of digital creative industry company in DIY with sample size target is 200 respondent. After conduct an identification, the respondents who answered the questionnaire completely are 172 respondents. Statistical technique uses euclidean distance (ED) regression. The result concludes that there is an alignment between; (1) business strategy (prospector-defender) with organizational structure (organic-mechanic) and work processes (non routine-routine) both in contigency and configuration, (2) prospector strategy with organic structure and non routine work processes both in contigency and configuration, and (3) defender strategy with mechanic structure and routine work processes both in contigency and configuration. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Supplemental Index