
Autor: Reinhardt, Dagmar, Cabrera, Densil, Niemelä, Marjo, Ulacco, Gabriele, Jung, Alexander
Zdroj: Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art & Design 2014; 2014, p163-180, 18p
Abstrakt: Complex curved surfaces posit challenges for manufacturing, but become more available through the range of toolpaths that come with 6-axis robotic fabrication. In this chapter, we present an in-progress report that explores the way in which an industrial 6-axis robot can become an interdisciplinary research tool that produces space that is both immediate and responsive. We link a robotic code directly to acoustic equations, so that in a reverse engineering process, kuka|prc and robot reachability give boundary conditions for the consecutive design process. The chapter discusses a framework in which the robot is first used as subtractive manufacturing device for cutting an acoustically performative space, and indicates future research into the potential of a robotic assessment of complex geometries and the resulting acoustic performance. Through integration of acoustic behaviour and robotic fabrication parameters, the production of a space with three distinct `sound colorations' becomes possible. Furthermore, future research is outlined whereby the robot acts as both hand and head: shaping an environment as both input and output device. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index