Liturgical and Sacramental Imagery in the Disputation between a Christian and a Jew.

Zdroj: Medievalia et Humanistica; 2013, Vol. 39, p47-62, 16p
Abstrakt: The few critics that have paid any attention to the Middle English debate poem known as the Disputisoun bytwene a cristenmon and a jew have generally regarded it as a poem written in the romance tradition. Although the present article does not deny the influence of romances on this debate, it argues that the Disputation is neither a romance nor a debate but an apologetic piece of literature the main aim of which is to emphasize the bodily presence of Christ in the consecrated host. This also helps to explain its presence and position in the Vernon manu-script (Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Eng. poet. a. 1.) where it accompanies other tracts in which the Mass and the Eucharist play central roles. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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