Interactions between Alcohol and the HIV Entry Inhibitor Maraviroc.

Autor: Gruber, Valerie A., Rainey, Petrie M., Lum, Paula J., Beatty, George W., Aweeka, Francesca T., McCance-Katz, Elinore F.
Zdroj: Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care; Nov2013, Vol. 12 Issue 6, p375-377, 3p
Abstrakt: The article reports on research which investigated the effects alcohol had on the pharmacokinetics of the drug maraviroc in HIV-positive patients with either drug sensitive or drug resistant strains of HIV. Researchers evaluated ten patients who consumed alcohol. They found that alcohol concentrations in the patients increased 12% after maraviroc administration and that the drug's pharmacokinetics were unaffected by alcohol consumption.
Databáze: Complementary Index