Zdroj: Muslim World; 1987, Vol. 77 Issue 2, p137-145, 9p
Abstrakt: Reason and Tradition in Islamic Ethics. By George F. Hourani. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985. xv plus 282 pp. $39.50, hard cover. Book reviewed in this article: Muslim Political Thought and Administration. By Haroon Khan Sherwani. New Delhi: Munshiram Manaharlal Publishers, 1981, first pub. 1942. xi plus 215 pp., Appendices. Index. Rs. 65. Islam: The Religious and Political Life of a World Community. Edited by Marjorie Kelly. New York: Praeger, 1984. xii plus 321 pp. Maps. Charts. Glossary. Bibliography. Index. $12.95. paper. Studien zum Islamischen Recht. By Noel J. Coulson and Abdelwadoud Yehia [Veröffentlichungen der (Commission für Europarecht, Internationales und Auslàndisches Privatrecht, nr. 2]. Wien, Austria: Verlag der Österreichischen, 1983. 37 pp. 6s. 70.-. Theodicy in Islamic Thought. The Dispute Over Al-Ghaz's 'Best of All Possible Worlds.' By Eric L. Ormsby. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984. xv plus 309 pp. $30.00. Die Wiederentdeckung des Propheten Muhammad: Eine Kritik am 'christlichen' Abendland. By Günter Lüling. Erlangen: Hannelore Lülung, 1981. 423 pp. n.p. The Qur'an. The first American version. Translation and commentary by T.B. Irving (Al-Hajj Taim li). Brattleboro, Vermont: Amana Books, 1985. xliii plus 401 pp. n.p. The Jew As Ally of the Muslim, Medieval Roots of Anti-Semitism. By Allan Harris Cutler and Helen Elmquist Cutler. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1986. x plus 577 pp. $50.00, hardcover. Knowledge and Power in Morocco: The Education of a Twentieth-Century Notable. By Dale F. Eickelman. [Princeton Studies on the Near East.] Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985. xviii plus 202 pp. Photos. Tables. Maps. Glossary. Bibliography. Index. $32.50. Algeria: The Revolution Institutionalized. By John P. Entelis. Boulder: Westview Press, 1986. xi plus 239 pp. Index. Maps. Illustrations. $30.00, hardcover. Syria: Modern State in an Ancient Land. By John F. Devlin. [Nations of the Contemporary Middle East.] Boulder and London: Westview Press and Croom Helm, 1983. 152 pp. $16.50. Error and Betrayal in Lebanon: An Analysis of Israel's Invasion of Lebanon and Implications for U.S.-Israeli Relations. By George W. Ball. Washington, D.C.: Foundation for Middle East Peace, 1984. 152 pp. n.p. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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