Zdroj: Modern Law Review; 1970, Vol. 33 Issue 2, p221-236, 16p
Abstrakt: B ooks in the D ock. By C. H. R olph. T he O bscenity L aws: A R eport by the W orking P arty S et U p by a C onference C onvened by the C hairman of the A rts C ouncil of G reat B ritain. T he E nd of O bscenity: T he T rials of L ady C hatterley, T ropic of C ancer and F anny H ill. By C harles R embar. A L ong T ime B urning: T he H istory of L iterary C ensorship in E ngland. By D onald T homas. O utlines of M odern L egal L ogic. By I lmar T ammelo. E urope U nification and L aw. By E dward W all. C riminal L aw. Second edition. By J. C. S mith and brian H ogan. T axation E conomics. Edited for the Economic Research Council by M. H. C adman. S weet E ncounter: T he C onfectionery R esale P rice M aintenance C ase. By H. C rane. T he M onopolies C ommission in A ction. By A lister S utherland, Fellow and Lecturer in Economics, Trinity College, Cambridge. D ie F loating C harge-ein S icherungsrecht am V ermogen einer E nglischen C ompany. By E dzard ter M eulen. T he S outh A frican L aw of H usband and W ife. Third Edition. By H. R. H ahlo, Dr. Jur. (Halle), ll.d. (Rand). With an Appendix on Jurisdiction and Conflict of Laws by P rofessor E llison K ahn. T rade A greements for D eveloping C ountries. By G ilbert P. V erbit. C ases and M aterials on P rivate I nternational L aw. Second edition. By E dward I. S ykes. S tructure and R elationship in C onstitutional L aw. By C harles L. B lack, J r. T he I ndian A dministrative L aw. By M. C. J. K agzi. R epressive L egislation in the R epublic of S outh A frica. G eneral P rinciples of L aw and the I nternational L egal O rder. By G éza H erczegh. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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