A technique for reembedding celloidin sections for electron microscopy.

Autor: Portmann, Didier, Fayad, Jose, Wackym, Phillip A., Shiroishi, Hiroko, Linthicum, Fred H., Rask-Andersen, Helge
Zdroj: Laryngoscope; 1990, Vol. 100 Issue 2, p195-199, 5p
Abstrakt: A new technique for reembedding celloidin sections of human temporal bones for transmission electron microscopy is described. It consists of four steps: 1. loosening of celloidin sections from glass slides with use of xylene and dissection of the area of interest, 2. removal of celloidin with use of clove oil, 3. staining with 1% osmium tetroxide and 1% tannic acid, and 4. embedding in epoxy resin. Autolytic changes were seen due to poor fixation. TEM of reembedded celloidin sections of optimally fixed tissue revealed that the celloidin-embedding procedure affected ul-trastructural preservation to some degree. This included less well-preserved cell membranes and some increased electron density of the cytosol decreasing the EM resolution of intracytoplasmic organelles. The technique allows TEM analysis of the intact labyrinth at all regions in the same specimen without dissection of the fragile tissue components of the membranous labyrinth. This might make the technique useful for processing freshly fixed human inner ear tissue and temporal bones for ultrastructural histo-pathological analysis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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