Processing and properties of SiCf/SiBOC ceramic matrix composites by polyborosiloxane impregnation and pyrolysis.

Autor: Vijay, Vipin, Prabhakaran, P. V., Devasia, Renjith
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings; Jun2013, Vol. 1538 Issue 1, p172-176, 5p, 2 Black and White Photographs, 2 Diagrams, 2 Graphs
Abstrakt: SiCf/SiBOC Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) were fabricated using polyborosiloxane as the matrix resin and Nicalon™ NL-202 silicon carbide fiber as the reinforcement via polymer infiltration/impregnation and pyrolysis process (PIP). Repeated PIP cycles resulted in CMCs with a density value of ≈ 2 g/cc and a maximum average flexural strength value of 108 MPa. Oxidation resistance of SiCf/SiBOC was compared with Cf/C and Cf/SiBOC at 1000°C. SiCf/SiBOC composite shows a better oxidation resistance due to the formation of a protective layer of amorphous borosilicate glass on oxidation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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