On-the-fly Watermarking of Videos for Real-time Applications.

Autor: Mehta, Sachin, Varadharajan, Vijayaraghavan, Nallusamy, Rajarathnam
Zdroj: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops; 1/ 1/2012, p55-60, 6p
Abstrakt: In order to prevent piracy of digital media content, Digital Watermarking has emerged as a potential alternative to existing methods such as Digital Rights Management (DRM) based systems. For real-time watermarking applications, digital watermarking method should consume less time for embedding the watermark while remaining robust against attacks. This paper presents on-the-fly video watermarking method for the copyright protection of videos and also addresses implementation issues in real-time applications. Experimental results show that the proposed method requires less computational time for embedding the watermark and hence is suitable for real-time applications. The results also show that the method is robust against attacks. The proposed method is compared with other watermarking algorithms and it yields better results in terms of complexity and robustness. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
Databáze: Complementary Index