Bax gene expression alters Ca[sup2+] signal transduction without affecting apoptosis in an epithelial cell line.

Autor: Aiba-Masago, Sonomi, Xiao-bing Liu, Masago, Rejei, Vela-Roch, Norma, Jimenez, Fabio, Che-Ming A. Lau, Frohlich, Victoria C., Talal, Norman, Dang, Howard
Zdroj: Oncogene; 4/18/2002, Vol. 21 Issue 17, p2762, 6p, 4 Graphs
Abstrakt: Focuses on a study which examined the role of the Bax oncogene in cell signaling using an epithelial cell line called SMG-C6. Significance of calcium (Ca) in apoptosis; Way in which Bax was located; Relationship between glutathione levels and altered Ca mobilization.
Databáze: Complementary Index