Effect of backscattered electrons on the thermal conditions of the target under electron-beam treatment.

Autor: Markov, A. B., Proskurovsky, D. I., Ryzhov, V. V., Turchanovsky, I. Yu., Bespalov, V. I.
Zdroj: 2000 13th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams; 1/ 1/2000, p385-388, 4p
Abstrakt: It has been shown that on irradiation of a target by an electron beam formed in a direct-action diode and transported toward the target by a guide magnetic field an important role is played by the electrons multiply reflected from the target. The Monte Carlo method was used to investigate how these electrons returning to the target after their reflection in the acceleration region affect the distribution of the energy absorbed in the target and the spectrum of the electrons incident on the target. An algorithm has been proposed to calculate these characteristics based on the method for resolution of the electron flow by its intersections with the target-vacuum interface. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
Databáze: Complementary Index